Kristen McMullen

Executive Director, Student Success & Instructor, Design Thinking

Kirsten McMullen

Kristen has dedicated nearly 20 years of her life to higher education, spearheading career service initiatives, creating programs that connect students with the resources they need to succeed, and bolstering various universities’ alumni relations at the likes of the University of Pennsylvania, Penn State University and Duke University. She has earned her masters in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London with the goal of extending Success Center services related to our students’ wellbeing. Kristen’s presidential leadership has elevated organizations including the Junior League, the Jaycees, Penn State’s Commission for Women, the Volunteer Center’s Community Volunteer in Action organization, and the Penn State Charleston Alumni Chapter. She also founded the Delaware Women’s Leadership Summit and the Volunteer Leadership Organization Council of Southwestern Connecticut.

In her current role Kristen is responsible for the following:
  • Strategic management of the SB Student Success Center
  • Designing Your Life
  • Career Circles
  • Student Success Mentoring Program
  • School of Business Alumni Interest Group
  • Liaison to SB Board of Governors and Dean
  • Collect and utilize data for reporting to accrediting bodies and program planning


University of East London, Masters of Applied Poisitive Psychology and Coaching Psychology

Penn State University, Bachelors of Science - Health Policy & Administration


Stanford University - Life Design for Universities

Stanford University - Designing Your Life Certified Coach

Email Kristen • Schedule an appointment with Kristen