Current Projects


Together SC - 2023 Summit Evaluation

The Riley Center is working with Together SC to conduct and produce an evaluation of the Together SC 2023 and 2024 Nonprofit Summits

Together for Beaufort County

The Riley Center is continuing a partnership with Together for Beaufort County (T4BC) by building upon the T4BC 2021 Indicators Report that the Riley Center created. The 2021 report presented an overall glimpse of the status and environment of the following indicators in Beaufort County: health, social wellbeing, economy, environment, and education. The Riley Center is researching early childhood education indicators by assessing Kindergarten Readiness Assessment data and providing a geographic context to public demographic data and early childhood services to better understand the landscape of education in Beaufort County. 

Dorchester County Opioid Abatement Strategic Planning

The Riley Center is facilitating a strategic plan process with Dorchester County to determine the most effective use for the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund allocated to the County.

City of Columbia Fire Department

We are working with the City of Columbia Fire Department as it develops and administers its promotional process for the positions of Engineer and Captain. 

Charleston County EMS Professional Development

The Riley Center is designing and delivering a series of supervisory training for approximately 40 of the core leadership team and managers at Charleston County EMS.