Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) encourages you to promptly report any concerns - such as inappropriate care, misuse, or abuse - related to the welfare of animals at this institution.

There are many ways to report your concerns:

Animal Care and Use Program Director


Phone: 843-953-5443



Phone: 843-953-4639

Consulting Veterinarian


Phone: 843-708-8828

Research Protections & Compliance


Phone: 843-953-5885

In person: Bellsouth Building, 81 St. Philip St., Room 407-D

By mail: Research Protections & Compliance, Office of Research & Grants Administration, College of Charleston, 66 George Street, Charleston, SC 29424

Your report should be detailed and specific, and be accompanied by supporting documentation when possible, to allow for a thorough investigation by the IACUC.

Your identity will be kept confidential – or you may report anonymously. If you wish to report anonymously, you are advised to use the mailing address, or an email address not affiliated with your name or other identifying information. All concerns will be reviewed regardless of how they are received. 

No facility employee, committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or subject to any reprisal for reporting violations. - Animal Welfare Act


All reporters are protected from retaliation and discrimination in accordance with South Carolina Title 8-Chapter 27, Employment Protection for Reports of Violations of State or Federal Law or Regulation, and the institutional policy, Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment, including Sexual Harassment and Abuse