Student Opportunities

Learning Outside of the Classroom

Part-time jobs, internships, service learning and volunteering will play an integral part in your preparation for the future. The faculty and staff in the Department of Religious Studies will provide you with wonderful networking opportunities. Religious Studies also sponsors guest lectures, the Religious Studies club and our our popular film series, RELS Reels. These extracurricular activities will enhance your classroom experiences and connect you with other students who share your interests.

Bachelor Essay

Religious Studies majors can undergo a one-of-a-kind experience by researching a topic and writing a Bachelor’s Essay about their findings. Spanning two semesters, students work one-on-one with a faculty advisor who guides them through a high-level, discipline-specific research project. The results are often transformative. Previous BE projects have laid the groundwork for academic publications, business plans, future careers, grad school application material, and world-changing ideas.

Student Funding

Alumni and friends of the Religious Studies department have made generous contributions to support current majors and minors in our department. In honor of our alumni and with sincere gratitude for their partnership in our work, the Religious Studies department faculty offers “Alumni Grants” to support our current students. All full-time students who are majors or minors in Religious Studies/Interreligious Studies are eligible to apply for scholarships and stipends. 

Study Abroad

Studying abroad enriches students academically, culturally, and personally. There is a globe of possibilities available through The College’s Center for International Education and Religious Studies. Studying abroad can be a uniquely transformative part of your college experience and can be an integral part of your Religious Studies major or minor.

Israel 2023

Internships and Volunteer Opportunities

Internships in the Department of Religious Studies provide majors and minors with valuable experience and exposure to occupations in churches, synagogues, hospitals, non-profit organizations, hospice and social outreach programs, museums, and historical sites. Internships allow students to network and make connections that may lead to full-time paid positions.