Surplus Property

Definition of Surplus Property

Surplus Property is all State owned supplies and equipment, not in actual use, with remaining useful life and available for disposal. Whenever property is determined to be excess to the needs of the department and/or College, the property must be disposed of through the State Surplus Property System. However, prior to notifying the State of any excess material it will be made available to other College of Charleston departments at no cost.

If the property cannot be utilized by another department, the property must be reported within 90 days of the surplus declaration date to State Surplus Property. A State screener will view the property and determine what is of value and what is junk. The items of value will be picked up and transferred to State Surplus. The items declared junk will be screened again to determine if they have any residual re-sale value.

If the property has no value it is discarded according to State Property regulations. The Property Inventory Specialist will remove College of Charleston property tags affixed to the property at the time of disposal. Additionally, Property Inventory maintains files and reports on disposition of all surplus property.

Acquisition of Surplus Property

Material is available from the College's surplus property at no charge. These transactions can be completed with a Request (IDT) Form. Material obtained from surplus sources must be utilized for at least 90 days. Material is available from State Surplus Property at a minimal cost. Before requests are initiated for the purchase of new property, consideration should be given to obtaining the material from these sources. Contact the Property Inventory Specialist or your Procurement Officer for details.