Current Students

Resources and Support for Navigating the Law School Application Process

Current College of Charleston students considering law school should visit the Hub for more information and resources from Pre-Law Advising:

  • Whether to Apply: Support and considerations to help you make your law school decision.

  • Where to Apply: Resources to h    elp you find the law schools that are the best fit for you.

  • Law School Admission Council (LSAC): Guidance in signing up with the LSAC for services and programs to help streamline the law school application process.
  • Law School Admission Test (LSAT): Assistance in preparing for and scheduling the standardized test required of every applicant to a U.S. law school.
  • Resume and Personal Statement: Support in polishing your resume and crafting your personal statement typically required with your law school application.

  • Letters of Recommendation: Resources and guidance for requesting and securing the letters of recommendation generally required with your law school application
Visit the Pre-Law Advising Hub Site