Online Education Policies and Standards

Online Education Policies

The College of Charleston is not primarily an online education institution, but we do offer dozens of online classes each semester from academic majors across campus. With the exception of the degree completion BPS program, the College of Charleston does not currently offer undergraduate programs of study that can be completed entirely online. 

Although the College of Charleston is not primarily an online education institution, through guidance, leadership and direction from the Online Education Steering Committee, the College of Charleston provides exceptional, high-quality, and flexible online education.

College of Charleston Policy on Alternative Online Education Certification

Proposed by the Online Education Steering Committee and approved by Provost Austin on January 18, 2022.

During the pandemic, many faculty members were compelled to teach online despite not completing the required Online Education (OE) readiness course. Consequently, in April and September 2020, the Online Education Steering Committee proposed, and the provost approved, a policy on Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters to provide an alternative to the seven-week OE Readiness course. This alternative requirement consisted of experience in emergency remote teaching, completion of the self-paced OE readiness course, and approval of a course planning document by the department chair or program director.

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Additional information about policies and standards for Online Education, including Quality Matters, online education & e-learning certifications and more, are available on the Hub (College of Charleston credentials required).

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