Advancing Innovation in Online Education

Faculty e-Learning Professional Development

CETL Online Education & e-Learning works collaboratively with faculty across campus, serving to support online education readiness, assist colleagues to pivot quickly to teaching online when needed, and is committed to fostering best practices in online education. 

For more information on faculty development for online education and e-learning, visit the Hub (CofC credentials required).

Online Education Certification Course

Preparing to teach online at the College of Charleston?

CETL Online Education (OE) & e-Learning is piloting a new model for preparing our faculty to teach online courses. The new OE Certification Course is a self-paced course - combined with the support of a peer faculty mentor - that allows the faculty to move through the course as quickly as you desire and as your schedule allows, with the caveat that you complete the course before you begin teaching your online course. Below are the deadlines for when the OE Certification Course should be completed relative to when you expect to first teach your online class.

Please note: You MUST complete the OE Certification Course PRIOR to teaching online for College of Charleston.

Sign up on the OE & e-Learning Hub

Important Course Dates and Deadlines

If you are teaching an online class soon, be sure to sign up on the Hub (CofC credentials required) for the Online Education Certification Course as soon as possible!

Term You're Teaching Complete Certification By
Fall Express I August 1st
Full Semester August 1st
Fall Express II October 1st
Spring Express I December 1st
Full Semester December 1st
Spring Express II March 1st
Summer Session May 1st