Kathryn Pedings-Behling
M.S. in Mathematics, College of Charleston
B.S. in Mathematics, College of Charleston
Research Interest
Kathryn's applied mathematics research interests include problems in the field of ranking and the emerging field of rankability and, in particular, their use to ensure fairness in different processes, such as hiring. She also enjoys action research in the field of mathematics education, working with reluctant postsecondary math learners in their terminal math course. She is studying the changes in their attitudes toward mathematics, particularly with respect to a curricular intervention.
Select Publications
Sensitivity and stability of ranking vectors, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 33, issue 3, 1077-1102, 2011, (with Amy Langville, Tim Chartier, and Erich Kreutzer)Minimum violations sports ranking using evolutionary optimization and binary integer linear program approaches, Proceedings of the Tenth Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport, 13 – 20, 2010, (with Tim Chartier, Erich Kreutzer, Amy Langville, and Yoshitsugu Yamamoto)
Accounting for Ties when Ranking Items, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, (with Amy Langville, Tim Chartier, D. Martin, and Erich Kreutzer)
Sports Ranking with Nonuniform Weighting, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, volume 7, issue 3, 2011, (with Amy Langville, Tim Chartier, and Erich Kreutzer)
A Minimum Violations Ranking Method, Optimization and Engineering, volume 13, June 2022, (with Amy Langville and Yoshitsugu Yamamoto)
A Mathematical Approach to Designing Insulators, Cases on STEAM Education in Practice, IGI Global, 2017
The Rankability of Weighted Data From Pairwise Comparisons, Foundations of Data Science, volume 3, issue 1, 1-26, March 2021, (with Amy Langville, Tim Chartier, and Paul Anderson)
Fairness and the Set of Optimal Rankings for the Linear Ordering Problem, Optimization and Engineering, June 2021, (with Amy Langville, Tim Chartier, and Paul Anderson)
Developing a Ranking Problem Library (RPLIB) from a Data-oriented Perspective, Optimization and Engineering, Sept 2023, (with Amy Langville, Paul Anderson, Brandon Tat, and Charlie Ward)
Deconstruct this Business Calculus Journal, 2024, (with Amy Langville)