Amy Langville



Ph.D. in Operations Research, NC State University

M.S. in Operations Research, NC State University

B.S. in Mathematics, Mount St. Mary’s University

Research Interest

Linear optimization, integer programming, numerical analysis of algorithms; ranking and clustering in networks; text and data mining, web analytics.

Courses Taught

MATH 116: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences (formerly MATH 105)

MATH 451/MATH 551: Optimization

MATH 452/MATH 553: Operations Research

Selected Publications

Identifying influential edges in a directed network: big events, upsets, and non-transitivity (with M. W. Berry, T. P. Chartier, K. Hutson), Complex Networks, 2013.

Who's #1?: The Science of Rating and Ranking (with Carl Meyer), Princeton University Press, 2012.

Google's PageRank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings (with Carl Meyer), Princeton University Press, 2006.

Proceedings of the Markov Anniversary Meeting (with W. J. Stewart), Boson Press, 2006.