Alex Kasman
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Boston University
B.S. in Mathematics, University of Michigan
Research Interest
Research interests include classical and quantum integrable systems, algebraic analysis, algebraic geometry, bispectrality, orthogonal polynomials, mathematical biology, and soliton theory.
Selected Publications
Glimpses of Soliton Theory: The Algebra and Geometry of Nonlinear PDEs (2nd Edition), American Mathematical Society (2023).
The Adelic Grassmannian and Exceptional Hermite Polynomials (with Robert Milson) Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry (2020) 23:40.
On Factoring an Operator Using Elements of its Kernel Communications in Algebra (2017) 45 pp. 1443-1451.
Universality of Rank 6 Plücker Relations and Grassmann Cone Preserving Maps with Takahiro Shiota, Kathryn Pedings and Amy Reiszl The Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136 (2008) 77-87.
Overcoming the Phage Replication Threshold: A mathematical model with implications for phage therapy with Laura M. Kasman, Caroline Westwater, Joseph Dolan, Michael G. Schmidt, and James S. Norris The Journal of Virology. 76 11, (2002) 557-5564.
Bispectral KP Solutions and Linearization of Calogero-Moser Particle Systems Communications in Mathematical Physics 172 (1995).