Frequently Asked Questions
Whether it's questions on in-state vs. out-of-state or proividing answers on indpendent vs. dependent, we've got you covered with these frequently asked residency questions.
Not finding what you need? The South Carolina Commission for Higher Education provides additional answers to your residency questions on the South Carolina Commission for Higher Education's website.
How can I submit my applicaiton for Legal Residency?
Applications can be mailed to
Legal Residency Office
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
If you prefer, you can fax your application/documentation to 843.953.5573 or email your app/documents using Secure Share.
Email Application with Secure Share
Determining In-State/Out-of-State Residency Status
Does owning property in S.C. allow me to receive in-state tuition?
For independent students, not by itself; the other requirements still have to be met. For parents of dependent students, SC has to be the primary state of residence. The property taxes they pay go into the local treasury; we are supported by the State Treasury.
If I move to SC and live with relatives, am I eligible for instate tuition?
Not unless they have been made your legal guardians through the court, before age eighteen. Be aware that the law says that if it appears that steps have been taken just to obtain resident tuition, the application will be disapproved.
Am I resident eligible if I use a SC address on all records/legal documents?
You still have to meet the other requirements. For admission, other things are as important, such as where transcripts are from, and addresses of both parents.
If my parents purchase an SC home in my name, does that make me a resident?
No. If your parents purchase a home and add your name to the deed or put the home in your name you will be required to prove how you paid for the home out of your own earnings. You will also be required to prove how you pay for the mortgage and all housing expenses.
Independent, Dependent & Financial Support
Do personal loans and gifts from parents/relatives count as support I provided?
No. That is considered money coming from elsewhere, and doesn't count toward making you independent. Your support has to come from the sources listed in the requirements.
Are Parent (PLUS) loans considered financial support contributed by students?
No. Those loans are applied for and awarded to the parents. Parents have to pay back those loans, so it's their money that they give to the students.
Are pre-paid tuition plans considered financial support from parents or students
Even though they're in the students' names, since the parents put the money in and they get the tax break, it's considered support from the parents.
Can money from my savings and checking accounts establish my independence?
No, because we don't know where the money came from. It has to come from the sources listed in the requirements.
Do I need to provide 51% of total financial support, or 51% of total expenses?
Total support, and the support has to be more than the total expenses.
Can I use my 529 or investment account to establish financial independence?
No. Education plans or investment accounts are not funded by the student, therefore the student cannot claim the funds in the account or funds used toward financial independence.
If I have student loans do I automatically meet financial independence?
No. You will still be required to demonstrate your ability to pay for your other expenses.
12 Month Requirement
If I lived in SC for a year or more, am I eligible for in-state tuition?
No, nothing is automatic about residency. Students have to meet the requirements, submit their applications, and be approved before any changes are made.
If I have a business license am I exempt from the 12 month requirement?
No. The regulations state that applicants must be reporting to an employer physically located in South Carolina. Having a business license without meeting the full time work week definition ( “Full time employment” is defined as employment that consists of at least thirty seven and one half hours a week on a single job in a full time status, with gross earnings of at least minimum wage. However, a person who works less than thirty seven and one half hours a week but receives or is entitled to receive full time employee benefits shall be considered to be employed full time if such status is verified by the employer) does not solely meet the full time employment requirement.
Does having a full-time job override the other requirements?
No, the full-time job does not override any of the other requirements.
You are still required to have:
- A South Carolina license
- South Carolina vehicle registration
- Residence
- Proof of financial independence (if you are applying as an independent person).