Compliance and Regulatory Reports
CHE Reports
Institutional Research is responsible for the College's state regulatory reporting to the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (SC CHE). Data submissions began in 1993 and are required each semester. They include the following content areas: students, faculty, courses, facilities, degrees awarded, and state scholarships.
The SC CHE publishes reports from our data submissions combined with all SC institution at this web site.
HEOA Disclosures
The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosure and reporting requirements. A disclosure requirement is information that a postsecondary education institution is required to distribute or make available to another party, such as students or employees. A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other agencies. The following items below summarize the disclosure and reporting requirements that fall under the responsibility of the Office of Institutional Research.
This web site was organized using a reference list created by the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC) combined with internal documentation outlining the HEOA regulations and consumer information from Title I, Section 111, of the HEOA.
Disclosure Requirements Provided by Institutional Research
- Completion/Graduation Rates
- Completion/Graduation Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Aid
- Retention Rates
- Student Body Diversity
- Teacher Preparation Program Report
- Types of Graduate and Professional Education in Which the Institution's Graduates Enrolled
Official College HEOA Reporting Site (maintained by OIEP)
College Navigator Consumer Information
Copies of the College's submitted IPEDS surveys are available at this secure Hub site.
Institutional Research is responsible for the College's federal regulatory reporting to the National Center for Education Statistics via the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). All institutions of higher learning are mandated to submit IPEDS surveys several times per year which include the following content areas:
- student enrollment and FTE
- retention and graduation rates
- institutional finances
- employee counts and salaries
- student costs and financial aid
NCES utilizes the IPEDS surveys' data sets to populate its College Navigator service.
The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-542) amended the Higher Education Act by imposing student consumer information requirements on all institutions and additional requirements on institutions that award athletically-related aid. Specifically, the student consumer requirements are listed as: completion or graduation rates of all students and students receiving athletically-related aid and campus crime (described in Title II of the Act).
Title II Reporting Mandated by Section 207 of the HEA
As required by Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1998, the Secretary of Education has prepared an annual report for Congress and the public on the preparation of teachers. The annual reports are provided via this link, including supplemental tables. Individual State reports for the current and previous years are also available.
Institutional Research assists the College's School of Education in the compilation of the data for the Title II reports annually. Copies of the College's Title II pass rates reports are stored below.
Report Card - Single Assessment Pass Rates
Report Card - Aggregate Pass Rates
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