Why Study Geography

Stand out: be a geographer!

Please accept our invitation to join a growing community of committed and engaged scholars who study the world and all that we make of it. Declare geography as your minor; you’ll be surprised at the doors it will open for you.

The Geography minor offers intellectual and professional enrichment that will complement almost any major.

The range of upper-division courses offered in Geography will challenge and stimulate your thinking in ways that will complement almost any program of study you choose. The spatial perspective will, literally, ask you to bring the ideas of politics, economics, urban planning, the physical sciences, and even psychology right down to earth in concrete yet creative ways.

Further, because the interdisciplinary Geography minor is growing on campus, you will have almost unlimited opportunities to assume positions of leadership, such as chairing a geography club or attending field trips. As a result, you will be able to hone valuable professional skills that you will need later in life--all the while building your resume for that first job. There are few disciplines on campus that provide so many opportunities for students to lead in such important ways. Being part of Geography at the College of Charleston now will highlight your academic commitment and enhance your professional credentials.

You will acquire a rare skill set that provides an excellent talking point on a resume.

How many applications from geographers do you think business, medical, and law schools receive each year? Getting noticed is half the effort, and Geography is the way to do it! Differentiating yourself with a Geography minor will spark interest among graduate school and employment recruiters who seek diversity in student and staff cohorts; your education in geography will provide you with a rare insight into the world that is sure to take you far.

You will become part of a committed group of faculty and students.

The relatively small size of the minor is our main asset. A group of incredibly interesting and bright students make up the geography program, while committed and caring faculty coordinate it. The faculty will serve as both professional and academic resources for you, and your contact with us will be as frequent as you choose to make it. Student-faculty contact is an integral part of the college experience, and we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.