Schedule an Appointment

At the Counseling Center, there are three types of appointments you can make. Which one you choose will depend on your needs.

Initial Appointment

If you would like to discuss beginning or resuming ongoing therapy services, you should choose to make an initial appointment.

This appointment will be an hour long. During that time, you will complete paperwork for the first 30 minutes and then meet with a counselor for 25-30 minutes to discuss your concerns.

You and your counselor will discuss whether the Counseling Center or a community referral will best fit your needs for follow-up appointments. If you continue services at the Counseling Center, you will make decisions together about your goals for therapy and how often you will schedule follow-up appointments.

Ongoing therapy focuses on creating meaningful changes in your life, and is appropriate for any of the following reasons:

  • Treating a mental health concern such as depression or anxiety
  • Healing from a history of trauma (e.g., emotional, physical, or sexual abuse)
  • Learning to manage difficult family relationships or build healthy relationships with others
  • Address concerns about your substance use 

Follow-Up Appointment

If you already have an assigned counselor, and it has been less than six months since your last appointment, you can make a follow-up appointment. Follow-up appointments are 45-50 minutes long. If your last appointment was longer than six months ago, you will need to schedule an initial appointment to update your paperwork and reopen your file, and you may be assigned to a new counselor.

Timely Access Appointments

We also have same-day timely access appointments available. Timely access appointments are 25 minutes long and focus on accessing support to process intense feelings or reactions to situational stressors or may focus on creating solutions. There are several reasons you may choose to schedule a timely access appointment.

  • You are interested in as-needed support rather than regularly scheduled ongoing therapy sessions.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by a situational stressor.
  • You need help making a time-sensitive decision.

How do I make an appointment?

To set up an initial or follow-up appointment, please call our office at 843.953.5640 or submit an appointment request form

To make a same-day (or timely access), appointment, please call the front desk to schedule. There are a limited number of same-day appointments available, and they will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.



If your concern is urgent or you feel you are in crisis, please come in during office hours! If you are in crisis you DO NOT need to make an appointment. It is appropriate to use crisis support for any of the following reasons.

  • You are experiencing suicidal thoughts and may act on them.
  • You are having thoughts of harming someone else and may act on them.
  • You believe your life is in danger.
  • You are hearing or seeing things others cannot hear or see.
  • You have been physically or sexually assaulted.

Cancellation/No-Show Policy

Due to the high demand for services offered by the Counseling Center, missed appointments or arriving late results in lost opportunities for counselors to work with other students who might need help. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call to cancel at least 24 hours in advance so another student can use that time. A pattern of cancellations or same-day rescheduling might result in a referral to an outside provider.

A $25 fee will be charged to your registration account if:

  • You do not attend a scheduled intake or follow-up appointment (no-call/no-show)
  • You cancel or reschedule less than 24 hours before your appointment (may be waived with documentation of extenuating circumstances)