For Alumni

We invite you to stay connected with the Department of Computer Science at the College of Charleston – our faculty, staff and students – and with your fellow alumni.

Established in 1980, the Department of Computer Science has been a home for a large number of undergraduate and graduate students. The CS Alumni mission is to connect, engage, and build relationships with these alumni, locally and nationally. We encourage our alumni to help us support the mission for our department.

Connect with Us!

Connect with the Department of Computer Science community through our social networks on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook


Give Back

Our alumni actively support the department by presenting to CS classes or CS student organizations, attending CS sponsored activities, mentoring students, and sharing resources to support our academia.  For more information, please contact Rebecca Utz.

Also, alumni can give to student programs at the Computer Science Department by donation.

Give to the Department

Stay Informed

Visit the Events page to stay up-to-date on the latest Department announcements and events. Please update or share your contact information with our CS Alumni Contact Form, so we can keep in touch with our alumni and friends. 

The Alumni Symposium brings alumni back every year to share their college and career experience and network with our students.