Allison Sterrett-Krause
Associate Professor
Allison Sterrett-Krause (“Dr. SK”) is an archaeologist of the Mediterranean world. Her research interests include the study of glass vessels from archaeological sites and topography and urban development. She contributes to the College’s Interdepartmental Program in Archaeology. Dr. SK teaches Latin at all levels and courses in Classics like Archaeology of Rome, Ancient Technology and Craft Production, Introduction to Ancient Rome, and Images of Women in the Mediterranean World. Dr. SK also directs the College of Charleston Archaeological Glass Lab, a one-of-a-kind research opportunity for students. Glass Lab assistants learn standard practices of post-excavation analysis for artifacts, and they help with cataloging, describing, drawing, and photographing Roman glass excavated in North Africa as a first step in the publication of these archaeological finds.Education
Ph.D, University of Cincinnati, 2012
MA, University of Cincinnati, 2006
American Academy in Rome, Classical Summer School, 2004
BA, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 2003
Research Interests
Glass from archaeological sites; art and architecture of Greece and Rome; ancient topography and urban development; technology and craft production; epigraphy; Roman North Africa; gender in antiquity.
In preparation. “Glass vessels from Insulae VIII.7 and I.1, Pompeii.” The Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia, vol. 2: Finds, edited by Steven J.R.Ellis, Leigh Lieberman, Catherine Baker, and Christopher Motz.
Forthcoming (2024). “Glass finds from Bir el Knissia, 1991-1993.” Bir el Knissia at Carthage: A Rediscovered Cemetery Church. Report no. 2, edited by Susan T. Stevens. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series.
2022. “Small Finds: Glass” A Sanctuary in the Hora of Illyrian Apollonia: Excavations at the Bonjakët Site (2004-2006), edited by J. Davis, S. Stocker, I. Poyiani, and V. Dimo, 408-416. Atlanta: Lockwood Press.
2021. “Reconstructing Life from the Litter in Pompeii’s Southwest Corner: Glass from the Excavations of the Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia,” Annales of 21e Congrés de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre 2018, 171-182.
2021. “Glass from the “pagan” and Christian sectors of S304 and from the field survey,” in Leptiminus (Lamta) Report no. 4: The East Cemetery, JRA Supplementary Series 110, edited by N. Ben Lazreg, L.M. Stirling, and J.P. Moore, 379-434. Portsmouth, I: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
2018. Review of The Small Finds and Vessel Glass from Insula VI.1 Pompeii: Excavations 1995-2006 by H.E.M. Cool (2016), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.09.33, https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2018/2018.09.33/
2017. “Drinking with the Dead? Glass from Roman and Christian Burial Areas at Leptiminus (Lamta, Tunisia)," Journal of Glass Studies 59.4: 47-82.
2017. "Glass Groups, Glass Supply, and Recycling in Late Roman Carthage," Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9: 1223-1241. (with Nadine Schibille and Ian Freestone). DOI: 10.1007/s12520-016-0316-1)
2009. “Evidence for Glass-Working from the Yasmina Necropolis at Carthage," in K. Janssens, P. de Gryse, P. Cosyns, J. Caen, and L. Van’t dack, eds. Annales du 17e Congrés de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre 2006. Antwerp: University Press Antwerp. pp. 240-246.
2009. “Glass," in S.T. Stevens, M.B. Garrison, and J. Freed, A Cemetery of Vandalic Date at Carthage (JRA Supplementary Series 75). Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology. pp. 217-235.