Risk Assessment Form
Risk is a measure of uncertainty or the chance of something happening that will impact our objectives.
Risks generally arise either as a result of a change in an organization's operating environment or as a result of inherent risk.
Examples of changes in the operating environment include:
- changes in information systems and technology,
- changes in personnel,
- the introduction of new programs,
- structural changes.
Examples of inherent risks may include:
- organizational or administrative complexity,
- high volume of cash receipts or disbursements,
- a history of prior problems,
- unusual internal or external pressure,
- management's unresponsiveness to identified problems.
Typically, risks are measured according to their likelihood of occurrence and the impact should they occur.
Request a Risk Assessment
Instructions: Provide five important risks/concerns impacting your unit's goals and objectives. Then, rank your risks on 1) the likelihood to occur, and 2) impact should the risk occur.