Semester/Cumulative GPA Calculator

How to Use The Semester/Cumulative GPA Calculator

Semester GPA

  1. For semester GPA, enter the credit hours for each course that you are enrolled in.
  2. Select the grade you earned or think you will earn in each course.
  3. Next to the semester GPA box at the bottom, press the "Calculate" button.

Cumulative GPA

  1. For cumulative GPA, enter the cumulative GPA you have earned so far.
  2. Enter the total GPA hours that you have so far.
    • This can be found on your Unofficial Transcript
  3. Enter the amount of credit hours for each class that you are currently enrolled in.
  4. Select the grade you earned or think you will earn in each course.
  5. Next to the cumulative GPA box at the bottom, press the "Calculate" button.

Cumulative GPA earned so far:
Total GPA hours so far:
Credit Hour(s)
per course
GradeQuality points
Semester GPA&
Cumulative GPA  


Goal GPA Calculator

Determine what you need to reach your overall GPA goal.