Tenure & Promotion

At the College of Charleston, the process for tenure, promotion, and third-year review is governed by a comprehensive set of guidelines outlined in the Faculty/Administration Manual (FAM). The tenure and promotion process is meticulously structured to ensure thorough evaluation and fairness. Faculty members undergo several stages of review, starting from departmental evaluation panels to recommendations by deans and final decisions by the provost and president.

Third-Year Review: This review serves as a midpoint evaluation to provide feedback and guidance to junior faculty. The process involves similar stages of departmental and dean evaluations, culminating in recommendations to the provost and Advisory Committee. This review helps in identifying strengths and areas for improvement, supporting faculty development towards tenure​ or promotion towards senior instructor.

The College emphasizes the importance of these evaluations in maintaining academic standards and supporting faculty growth. Each step is designed to be thorough and supportive, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and excellence in teaching and research.

Faculty/Administration Manual

Faculty Annual Evaluations

See FAM: V.F, VI.E-F for more information
  • Annual and Merit Evaluation of Regular Instructional and Library Faculty

    At the College of Charleston, all faculty members undergo annual evaluations in line with South Carolina state law and the College's standards. These evaluations aim to support faculty professional development and inform personnel and salary decisions. Department Chairs and the Dean of Libraries conduct the evaluations, with Program Directors stepping in where faculty are not departmentally housed.

    Key Points:

    • Evaluation Frequency: Instructors and untenured faculty receive annual full performance evaluations, except during years of Third-Year Review or tenure/promotion reviews. Tenured faculty and Senior Instructors can carry forward prior evaluation ratings for up to two years, but must have a full evaluation at least once every three years.
    • Merit Categories: Faculty members with at least one year of service are assigned merit categories to influence salary increases. Newly hired faculty receive average raises instead of merit categories.
    • Evaluation Content: Each evaluation addresses teaching effectiveness, research, professional development, and service, tailored to the faculty’s role. Detailed appraisals and improvement recommendations are provided.
    • Additional Reviews: Tenure and promotion reviews demand further evidence and broader assessment, including peer and external reviews.

    This process ensures that faculty are continually progressing towards tenure and promotion criteria and maintaining high standards in their roles.

  • Adjunct and Visiting Faculty Evaluations Policy

    At the College of Charleston, adjunct and visiting faculty are evaluated annually to guide their professional development and support personnel decisions. Evaluations are conducted by Department Chairs or the Dean of Libraries, and may be delegated to tenured faculty. Evaluations include an appraisal of teaching effectiveness and other relevant activities. Faculty employed for three consecutive terms may request to carry forward their previous evaluation ratings for up to two years, but must undergo a full evaluation at least once every three years.

    View the Policy