Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities | URCA

Funding Transformative Scholarly Projects

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) at the College of Charleston supports student research and creative activities by providing competitive grants to fund summer project costs and stipends, academic year project costs, and travel to conferences for undergraduate students and their faculty mentors. Participation in a challenging, scholarly project can be the single most important experience that a student will have in college and the training and knowledge from this experience is often a deciding factor in the acquisition of professional positions and acceptance into post-graduate programs.

Introduction to URCA

Exemplary scholarship, teaching, and mentoring forms the foundation for transformative undergraduate research and creative works. Learn more about the ways URCA supports students and faculty.
  • URCA Mission Statement

    URCA provides you with grants so you can work collaboratively with faculty on scholarly projects during the academic year and summer.

    What is a research or creative activity? It’s any intellectual, inquiry-based project that advances your knowledge in an academic discipline. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of your chosen discipline. It leads to new scholarly insights or the creation of new works that add to the wealth of the discipline.

  • URCA and the Annual EXPO

    Each year, URCA celebrates research, scholarship, creative inquiry and community service at the annual Expo. All URCA-funded projects present the results of their work at the EXPO, which takes place in the spring semester. We look forward to highlighting a brand new group of students at EXPO 2024:

    Learn more about EXPO 2024
  • National Council on Undergraduate Research Membership

    The College of Charleston has an enhanced membership that allows all students, faculty and staff to become CUR members by completing this form to gain access to:


    • Nearly 14,000 members worldwide to discuss issues, ideas and share resources on undergraduate research
    • A library of more than 100 resources, tips and tricks for virtual learning and teaching as well as information to strengthen your research programs
    • A subscription to Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research
    • CUR conversations on evolving hot topics
    • Event and publication discounts