
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) provides professional learning communities; faculty certificate programs; online education training and resources; and initiatives promoting racial diversity, equity, and inclusion in support of effective teaching at the College of Charleston.

Responding to Faculty and Student Needs

In response to faculty and student needs, CETL aims to promote instructional excellence to benefit student success; support and highlight innovative instructional practices; and cultivate inclusive curricula and classroom climate. CETL does so by providing leadership and coordinating support for the following initiatives:
  • Coursera

    As outlined in the College's Strategic Plan, CETL works to advance university initiatives in student learning and to empower faculty dedicated to the success of their students. 

    The Coursera Project aims to move Coursera Career Academy adoption to the next level by providing faculty with support through their journeys incorporating microcredentialing programs into traditional classroom learning. The Coursera Project Director will work closely with CETL to guide faculty through implementing this unique and free professional development tool for individual faculty growth as well as collaborate in developing a blended learning experience for students across curricula. 

    Learn More on the Hub
  • CETL Grants

    Each year, CETL offers a limited number of grants towards scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and faculty innovation in teaching and learning (FITT) to fund instructional innovation and/or scholarly research.

    Check out CETL Grants on the Hub
  • Online Education & E-Learning Initiative

    CETL Online Education & e-Learning programs focuses on providing faculty with resources, training, and guidance necessary to create dynamic, innovative, and effective online courses and programs at the College of Charleston.

    Collaborating with faculty across campus, the Online Education & e-Learning Initiative serves to provide mentorship, the online education readiness training course, innovation in teaching and learning technologies, assist faculty with online and blended learning models, and fostering best practices in online education. 

    Please note: You MUST complete the OE Certification Course PRIOR to teaching online for the College of Charleston, in accordance with the Online Education policy.

    Online Eduction & e-Learning Hub
  • Race, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative (REI)

    As outlined in the College's Strategic Plan, CETL works to advance university initiatives in student learning; to support equity, diversity, and inclusion; and to empower faculty dedicated to the success of their students. 

    The REI Initiative prepares faculty to teach REI-approved courses toward the College's requirement that every undergraduate student take two, 3-credit hour courses on race, equity, and inclusion: one with a domestic/US focus and one with an international/global focus.

    Please note: To teach REI courses at the College of Charleston, you must be certified by the REI Initiative initially and meet requirements to maintain certification every 2 years. 

    Learn More About REI on the Hub