Faculty Research

Supply Chain and Information Management

Our faculty members actively shape their fields through impactful research. Find their latest publications below.


See the latest research from our faculty.
  • 2023

    Biedova, O., Ives, B. and I. Junglas (2023) Gnosis Freight: Harnessing Data and Low-Code to Shipping Container Visibility and Logistics, Communications of the AIS, Volume 52.

    Mahdikhani. M, 2023. “Total quality management and Lean Six Sigma impact on supply chain research field: a systematic analysis”, Vol 35, Pages 1-19, Total Quality Management & Business Excellencehttps://doi.org/10.1080/14783363.2023.2214506 

    Mahdikhani. M, Mahdikhani. Ma, Gonzalez. M, Teixeira. R, 2023, “High-technology within the supply chain: a systematic review”, ISSN: 0025-1747, Journal of Management Decisionhttps://doi.org/10.1108/MD-05-2022-0697 

    Mahdikhani. M, 2023. “Exploring commonly used terms from online reviews in the fashion field to predict review helpfulness”, Vol 3, Issue 1, International Journal of Information Management – Data Insightshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjimei.2023.100172

    Gonzalez, M., Quesada, G., Mora, C. and Davis, J. 2023. Analysis of eProcurement Technology Usage by Level of Supply Chain Integration. Journal of Organizational and End-User Computing (under review).

  • 2022

    Luethi, N., Matt, C., Myrach, M. and I. Junglas (2022) Augmented Intelligence, Augmented Responsibility? Business & Information Systems Engineering

    Abedin, B., Meske, C., Junglas, I., Rabhi, F. and H. R. Motahari-Nezhad (2022) Designing and Managing Human-AI Interactions. Information Systems Frontier, Volume 24, Issue 3, p. 691–697.

    Rehm, S., Goel, L. and I. Junglas (2022). Researching Digitalized Work Arrangements: A Laws of Form Perspective, Information & Organization, Volume 32, Issue 2.

    Junglas, I., Goel, L., Rehm, S. and B. Ives (2022). On the Benefits of Consumer IT in the Workplace—An IT Empowerment Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 64.

    Mahdikhani. M, 2022 “Predicting the popularity of tweets by a public opinion and emotions in different stages of Covid-19 pandemic”, Vol 2, Issue 1, International Journal of Information Management – Data Insights Analyzing: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjimei.2021.100053

    Meena, P.L.*, & Kumar, G. (2022), Online food delivery companies' performance and consumers
    expectations during Covid-19: An investigation using machine learning approach. Journal of Retailing
    and Consumer Services. Forthcoming. [Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.135; ABDC Rank=A; SJR: Q1].

    Meena, P.L., Katiyar, R., & Kumar, G (2022)., Supplier performance and selection from sustainable supply
    chain performance perspective. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
    [Emerald, ABDC Rank=B; SJR: Q2]. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-01-2022-0024

    Jena, S.K. & Meena, P.L.* (2022), Shopping in the Omnichannel Supply Chain under Price Competition and Product Return, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 65, 102848. [Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.135; ABDC Rank=A; SJR: Q1].

    Gonzalez, M., Quesada, G. 2022. Port Productivity: Benchmarking Analysis of Strategic Ports. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-09-2022-0453.

    Van Slyke, Clary, W.G., C., Tazkarji. M. (2022). “Not all Stress is Bad: Distress and Eustress in the Context of Distance Learning,” Journal of Computer Information Systems.

    Teixeira, R., Przyczynski, R. & Shockley, J. (2022) B2B buyer operational capability for the effective delivery of technology-enabled services in a multi-facility context. Service Business, Vol. 16, pp. 645–679. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-022-00498-5

    Teixeira, R.Duarte, A.L.d.C.M.Macau, F.R. and de Oliveira, F.M. (2022) Assessing the moderating effect of brick-and-mortar store on omnichannel retailing, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 50 No. 10, pp. 1259-1280. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJRDM-03-2021-0139

    Hadavi, Y., Villafranca, E., and Petter, S. 2022. “The Duality of Empowerment and Marginalization: A Replication,” AIS Transactions on Replication Research (8:2), pp1-18.

  • 2021

    Gavidia, J. V., Junglas, I. A., & Chou, C.-H. (May 2021). An integrated model of ERP success: the critical role of task-context alignment. Enterprise Information Systems, 1-26.

    Meske, C., Osmundsen, K. and I. Junglas (2021). Designing and Implementing a Digital Twin in the Energy Grid Sector. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Volume 20, Issue 3.

    Zaza, I., Junglas, I, and D. Armstrong (2021). Who Needs the Help Desk? Tackling One’s Own Technological Problems via Self IT Service. Information & Organization, Volume 31, Issue 3.

    Mahdikhani. M, 2021 “Predicting the popularity of tweets by analyzing public opinion and emotions in different stages of Covid-19 pandemic”, Vol 2, Issue1, International Journal of Information Management – Data Insights  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjimei.2021.100053

    Kumar, G., Meena, P.L., Francisco, R.M. (2021). How do collaborative culture and capability improve sustainability? Journal of Cleaner Production. 121, 125824 [Elsevier, Impact Factor-7.246, ABDC Rank=A, SJR: Ql]

    Francisco, R.M., Meena, P.L., and Tibrewala, R. (2021). Buyback and Risk-Sharing Contracts to Mitigate the Supply and Demand Disruption Risks. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 15(4): 550-581 [Inderscience, Impact Factor-1.136, SJR: Q1]

    Stafford, T., Tazkarji, M., (2021), “Whole Lotta COVID Goin' On.” The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems.

    Van Slyke, C., Clary, G., Tazkarji, M., Ellis, S. (2021), “Responses to Surveillance: Predictors of Obfuscation and the Chilling Effect.” Journal of The Southern Association of Information Systems.

    Calderaro, D. R., Lacerda, D. P., Teixeira, R., Soares, P. F., & Piran, F. S. (2021). Replication and comparative analysis of instrument of manufacturing capabilities in a different context: the Brazilian case. Gestão & Produção, Vol. 28 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9649-2021v28e5810

    Branco, M., Teixeira, R., Mir, S., & Lacerda, D.P. (2021). "Barriers to the Development of Port Operator Supply Chain Integration: An Evaluation in a Developing Country." Transportation Journal, Vol. 60 No. 2, pp. 141-170. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/800774.

  • 2020

    Chou, C.-H. (April 2020) How Individuals Influence Supply Chain Management Performance?, International Journal of Computer Applications, 176(13), 35-39.

    Meske, C., Junglas, I. (2020). Investigating the Elicitation of Employees’ Support Towards Digital Workplace Transformation. Behavior & Information Technology, Volume 40, Issue 11, p. 1120-1136.

    Tazkarji, M.Y. and Stafford, T.F. (2020). "Reasons for Failures of CRM Implementations," IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 7(3), 718-724.

    Nardi, V. A. M., Teixeira, R., Ladeira, W. J., & de Oliveira Santini, F. (2020). A meta-analytic review of food safety risk perception. Food Control, Vol. 112 June, 107089. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107089

    Teixeira, R., Paiva, E. L., Matos, C. A. D., & Vesel, P. (2020). The joint effect of buyer-supplier interaction and service complexity on B2B buyer satisfaction. International Journal of Services Technology and Managemnent, Vol. 26 No. 6, pp. 455-477. 

    Nardi, V. M., Auler, D. P., & Teixeira, R. (2020). Food safety in global supply chains: a literature review. Journal of Food Science, Vol. 85 No. 4, pp. 883-891. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.14999

  • 2019
    Chou, C.-H. (October 2019) Using Data Mining Techniques for Game Rule Extraction, Issues in Information Systems, 20(3), 117-127.

    Gonzalez, M., Quesada, Mora Monge, C. Barton, M.(student) (2019). An Empirical Study of the Application of Lean Tools in U.S. Industry. Quality Management Journal. In Print

    Gonzalez, M., Quesada, Martínez, J.L, Gonzalez, S. (2019). Global Education: Using Lean tools to explore new opportunities. International Journal of Business Education. In Print

    Mora-Monge, C. Quesada, G., Gonzalez, M., Davis, J. (2019). Trust, Power and Supply Chain Integration in Web-Enabled Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (In print)

    Gonzalez, M. (2019). Improving customer satisfaction of a Healthcare facility: Reading the customers needs’. Benchmarking an International Journal. In Print

    Jena, S. and Meena, P.L.* (2019), Price and Service Competition in a Tourism Supply Chain. Service Science. 11(4): 279-291 [INFORMS, Impact Factor: 1.623; SJR: Ql]

    Gonzalez, M., Quesada, G., Mora, C. and Barton M (student). 2019. “An Empirical Study of the Application of Lean Tools in the U.S. Industry”. Quality Management Journal. Accepted for Publication.

    Rodrigues, D., Teixeira, R., & Shockley, J. (2019). Inspection agency monitoring of food safety in an emerging economy: A multilevel analysis of Brazil's beef production industry. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 214 August, pp. 1-16.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.03.024

    Koch, H., Peters, U., Villafranca, E., and Koch, K. 2019. “How a Low-margin Business Co-created Analytics Capabilities through an Innovation Partnership,” MIS Quarterly Executive (18:3), pp. 157-173.