Ricard Viñas de Puig
Associate Professor of Spanish | Director, Linguistic Studies
Purdue University
PhD, Linguistics, 2009
Purdue University
MA, Spanish Linguistics, 2001
Universitat de Vic
BA, Translation and Interpreting, 1998
Research Interests
My research focuses on two areas. From a theoretical linguistics perspective, my main focus is the syntactic analysis of verbs indicating a physical or emotional experience, with a focus in Western Romance languages. From a sociolinguistics perspective, I am interested in the emergence of new varieties of Spanish in US immigrant settings as well as the preservation of indigenous languages of the (Hispanic) Americas in Spanish-dominant immigrant situations.
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard. (2014). ‘Predicados psicológicos y estructuras con verbo ligero: Del estado al evento’. Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, 52 (2).
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard, and Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna. (2013). ‘Análisis del patrón flexivo de los sustantivos relacionales en lengua mayangna’. Wani, Revista del Caribe Nicaragüense, 68, 45-52.
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard. (2013). Internal and external calls to immigrant language promotion: Evaluating the research approach in two cases of community-engaged linguistic research in Eastern North Carolina’. In: Mihas, Elena, Bernard Perley, Gabriel Rei-Doval and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.). Responses to Language Endangerment. In honor of Mickey Noonan. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins. 157-174.
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna, and Elena Benedicto. (2012). ‘Linguistic and technical training as a community empowerment tool: The case of the Mayangna linguists’ team in Nicaragua’. International Journal of Language Studies, 6, 2, 81-94.
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard. (2010). ‘A dual structure for Mayangna experience predicates’. UBCWPL26: The Proceedings of WSCLA 13 and 14, 208-222.
Viñas-de-Puig, Ricard. (2008). ‘Agentivity and experiencer verbs in Catalan and Mayangna and the roles of ‘little v’’. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 7, 2. 151-172.