
Grice Marine Lab

  • The perfect waterside location on James Island. 
  • A living laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students in marine biology.
  • On the water and in the classroom, the lab encourages research in the marine sciences through interdisciplinary collaborations on campus, as well as partnerships with:
    • Medical University of South Carolina
    • National Institute of Standards and Technology
    • South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Located at 205 Fort Johnson Road.

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Mace Brown Museum of Natural History

  • An on-campus resource for teaching and faculty and student research.
  • A free museum for the community to learn about natural history. 
  • Located in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.
  • Home to more than 15,000 fossils from around the world, including a showcase exhibit on whales and their evolution.
  • Located at 202 Calhoun Street.

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Rita Hollings Science Center

  • The newly renovated, RITA building is home to:
    • Department of Biology
    • Department of Physics & Astronomy
  • An on-campus observatory. 
  • The building earned two Green Globes certifications with its use of natural light, a rainwater capture system and low-flow, energy-efficient fume hoods.
  • Located at 58 Coming Street.

School of Natural and Environmental Sciences Building

  • Opened in 2010.
  • You can find:
    • Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    • Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
    • Lowcountry Hazards Center
    • Mace Brown Museum of Natural History
  • Located at 202 Calhoun Street. 

 Stono Preserve

  • 930-acre natural reserve.
  • Only 17 miles from campus.
  • You will study:
    • botany
    • water quality
    • ornithology
    • forest management
    • herpetology
    • much more
  • Faculty and students conduct year-round research on the property.
  • Located in Hollywood, S.C.

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