Thomas P. Ross

Professor of Psychology


Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Wayne State University

B.S. in Psychology and Anthropology, Michigan State University

Research Interests

My primary research interests include neuropsychological assessment, psychometrics, theories of executive functioning and models of verbal fluency assessment.

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 103: Introduction to Psychological Science
  • PSYC 221: Psychopathology
  • PSYC 315: Special Topics in Psychology: Psychotherapy and Counseling
  • PSYC 387: Neuropsychology
  • PSYC 392: Scientific Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Selected Publications

Undergraduate student coauthors are marked with an asterisk.

Ross. L. T. & Ross, T. P. (2023). Distress, social support, and self-compassion: Relationships with mental health among college students. Psychological Reports, 1-23.
Ross, T. P., *O’Connor, S., *Holmes, G., *Fuller, B., & *Henrich, M. (2019). The reliability and validity of the Action Fluency Test in healthy college students. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 34, 1175-1191.
Ross, T.P., *Poston, A.M., *Rein, P.A., *Salvatore, D.N., *Wills, N.L., & *York, T.M. (2016). Performance Invalidity base rates among healthy undergraduate research participants.  Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 31, 97-104.