Psychology faculty member Chad Galuska, Ph.D.

Chad Galuska

Professor of Psychology


Ph.D., West Virginia University

B.A., West Virginia University

Research Interests

My research interests lie broadly in the experimental analysis of operant behavior. I study behavior principles in the laboratory – often with rat subjects – in order to shed light on fundamental processes underlying clinically and socially relevant behavior in humans. My specific areas of research include addictive behaviors, schedules of reinforcement, and behavioral economics. I maintain active interests in single-subject research design methodology and philosophical issues pertaining to free will. Finally, I teach a study abroad course in London and am interested in both the history of psychology and current psychological research conducted in the United Kingdom.

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 103: Introduction to Psychological Science
  • PSYC 213: Conditioning and Learning
  • PSYC 344: Psychology of Substance Abuse
  • PSYC 460: Advanced Conditioning and Learning with Lab

Selected Publications

Bishara, A. J., Peller, J., & Galuska, C. M. (2021). Misjudgment of interrupted time-series graphs due to serial dependence: Replication of Matyas and Greenwood (1990). Judgment and Decision Making16(3), 687–708.

Campbell, L., Galuska, C., McRae-Clark, A., & Sherman, B. (2019). Cortisol reactivity and situational drug use in cocaine-dependent females. Psychiatry Research282.

Sawyer, L. E., Galuska, C. M., Cutright, E. J., & Hopper, K. M. (2019). Effects of negative incentive shifts in food reward on rats’ consumption of concurrent ethanol solutions. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior112(3), 310–333.

Galuska, C. M., & Sawyer, L. E. (2017). Effects of shifts in food reinforcement context on rats’ consumption of concurrently available water or sucrose solution. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 107(1), 85–100.

Thorn, D. A., Jing, L., Qiu, Y., Gancarz-Kausch, A. M., Galuska, C. M., Dietz, D. M., Zhang, Y., & Li, J.-X. (2014). Effects of the trace amine-associated receptor I agonist RO5263397 on abuse-related effects of cocaine in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology39(10), 2309–2316.

Minervini, V., Galuska, C. M., & Rowland, N. E. (2014). Effects of price and pellet type on food waste in mice. Behavioural Processes103, 180–183.

Minervini V, Galuska CM, Maguire DR. Within-session changes in rats’ food-demand elasticity. Revista Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta. 2013;39(1):35-61. doi:10.5514/rmac.v39.i1.63909

Galuska, C. M., Mikorski, J., & Perone, M. (2012). Assessing the role of effort reduction in the reinforcing efficacy of timeout from avoidance. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior98(3), 257–271.

Doughty, A. H., Galuska, C. M., Dawson, A. E., & Brierley, K. P. (2012). Effects of reinforcer magnitude on response acquisition with unsignaled delayed reinforcement. Behavioural Processes90(2), 287–290.

Galuska, C. M., Banna, K. M., Willse, L. V., Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, N., & See, R. E. (2011). A comparison of economic demand and conditioned-cued reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking or food-seeking in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology22(4), 312–323.