Anthony Bishara

Professor of Psychology


Ph.D. in Psychology, Washington University

B.A. in Psychology and Music Theory, University of Notre Dame

Research Interests

I am partly a quantitative psychologist, and partly a cognitive psychologist.  My research focuses on statistics (quantitative) and human judgments about statistics (cognitive). I specialize in the analysis of non-normal data.  I also have broad-ranging interests in memory and decision-making.

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 211: Psychological Statistics
  • PSYC 215: Cognitive Psychology
  • PSYC 390: Advanced Psychological Statistics
  • PSYC 468: Advanced Cognitive Psychology with Lab

Selected Publications

Undergraduate student coauthors are marked with an asterisk.

Bishara, A. J., Li, J., & *Conley, C. (2021). Informal versus formal judgment of statistical models: The case of normality assumptions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, 1164–1182.  

Bishara, A. J., *Peller, J., & Galuska, C. M. (2021). Misjudgment of interrupted time-series graphs due to serial dependence: Replication of Matyas and Greenwood (1990). Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 687-708.

Bishara, A. J., Li, J., & *Nash, T. (2018). Asymptotic confidence intervals for the Pearson correlation via skewness and kurtosis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 71, 167-185. 

Greenberg, D. L., Bishara, A. J., & *Mugayar-Baldocchi, M. A. (2017). Anchoring effects on early autobiographical memories. Memory, 25, 1303-1308. 

Bishara, A. J., & *Lanzo, L. A. (2015). All of the above: When multiple correct response options enhance the testing effect. Memory, 23, 1013-1028. 

Bishara, A. J., & Hittner, J. B. (2012). Testing the significance of a correlation with non-normal data: Comparison of Pearson, Spearman, transformation, and resampling approaches. Psychological Methods, 17, 399-417. 

Bishara, A. J., Kruschke, J. K., Stout, J. C., Bechara, A., McCabe, D. P., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2010). Sequential learning models for the Wisconsin Card Sort Task: Assessing processes in substance dependent individuals. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 5-13. 

Bishara, A. J., & Jacoby, L. L. (2008). Aging, spaced retrieval, and inflexible memory performance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 52-57.