John Thomas III
Assistant Professor of Political Science; affiliated faculty in African American Studies, Latin and Caribbean Studies, Hispanic Studies and Women's and Gender Studies
Ph.D. - University of Chicago
M.A. - University of Chicago
M.P.A. - Princeton University (Qualified with Distinction)
B.A. - Morehouse College (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa)
Research Interests
John’s research interests include comparative race politics, social movements, democratic consolidation, minority rights and public policy with a regional focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. His current research projects include analyzing the 2021 “Virtual Afro-Peruvian Youth Survey” and a writing a monograph based on his dissertation, “Black Social Movements in Peru and Ecuador from 1980-2016: Social Movements and Government Response”.
American Political Science Association; National Conference of Black Political Scientists (Life Member); Latin American Studies Association; Southern Political Science AssociationCourses Taught
POLI 103 Introduction to World Politics
POLI 111 Race, Equity and American Politics
POLI 268 Model Organization of American States
POLI 340 Politics of Latin America
POLI 347 International Development: Theories and Practices
POLI 351 Politics of Contemporary Brazil
LACS 340 Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Latin Studies
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed Journals
Eshe Lewis and John Thomas III. 2019. “Me Gritaron Negra”: The emergence and development of the Afro-descendant women’s movement in Peru (1980-2015). Journal of International Women's Studies, 20(8), 18-39.
Reprinted in Spanish in 2021 with Thomas as first autor as «Me Gritaron Negra»: Surgimiento y desarrollo del Movimiento de Mujeres Afrodescendientes en el Perú (1980-2015) in Investigaciones Sociales, (44), 181-199.
Book Reviews
John Thomas III. 2021. Review of the book Specters of Belonging: The Political Life Cycle of
Mexican Migrants by Adrián Félix. Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics. Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 465-466.
John Thomas III. 2021. Review of the book Promoting Democracy: The Force of Political Settlements in Uncertain Times by Manal Jamal. National Review of Black Politics, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.75-77.
John Thomas III. 2020. Review of the book Occupying Schools, Occupying Lands: How the Landless Movement Transformed Brazilian Education, by Rebecca Tarlau. Mobilization, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 535-536.
Honors and Awards
College of Charleston Global Scholar; Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel Board of Sponsors; Honda Campus All-Star Challenge Hall of Fame; Associated Church Press Editorial Award of Excellence (2021); NCOBPS Founder’s Symposium Participant (2013); Ruth Simms Hamilton TIAA-CREF Fellowship (2012); Department of Education FLAS Year-long Grant (2008) US Student Fulbright Fellowship (Peru, 2004)Press and Media