Colloquium Awards

Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation Awards

A panel of judges evaluate each presenter and determine the best poster and oral presentations.

Winners receive a personalized certificate of recognition and a cash award.

Presentations are judged on the:

  • Scientific content based on the articulation of the problem, soundness of hypothesis testing, methodology, and analyses
  • Oral and visual quality of the delivery
  • Demonstration of confidence and depth of understanding of the material.

2023 Best Oral Presentations

Sponsored by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.

First Place: Ray Radick – "Characterizing invertebrate communities associated with the cryptogenic alga Chondria tumulosa in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Hawai‘i"

Second Place: Kerryanne Litzenberg – “Physiological effects of temperature on blood chemistry, metabolism, and metabolomic profiles of the Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

2023 Best Poster Presentations

Sponsored by The Charleston Natural History Society.

First Place: Mikayla Sonnenfeld – “Understanding phytoplankton community composition in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, USA using a multi-method approach

Second Place: Hannah Korper – “Spatiotemporal Prevalence of a Parasitic Dinoflagellate, Hematodinium perezi, in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, and the Water Column of the Charleston Harbor Estuary, SC, USA

ABCs of Communication Award

A panel of judges evaluate student abstracts that have been rewritten for a fifth-grade audience.

Sponsored by Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum.

Winner: Jess Kusher - "Can we tell if Charleston’s water is sick from outer space?"