Submission Guidelines

As from August 1st, 2014, Illuminations has again been accepting submissions of poetry. Please send no more than six poems at a time.

Mailed submissions should be sent, with an accompanying SASE for response, to

Simon Lewis, Editor, Illuminations
Department of English
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424-0001

We also accept electronic submissions via there is a $2.20 fee for these submissions.

Please note that we no longer accept submissions sent directly by e-mail.

Please make sure that anything you send us has not been published elsewhere already and is not currently under consideration elsewhere.

In the case of a piece translated from a language other than English, please send us the original along with your translation (this is for review purposes only; we generally publish the translation only).

As a magazine devoted primarily to poetry, we publish only one or two pieces of short fiction and/or non-fiction in any given year, and sometimes publish none at all.