Kelly House

You must have an appointment to move in. Please refer to your move-in email or the move-in webpage for further instructions. 

Day-of Instructions

Please review the following information closely. It is specific to your residence hall.
  • Driving Directions

    Since many local streets are closed for move-in, we provide residence-hall specific driving directions to get you to the unloading zone for check-in. Please use these and not GPS to drive into campus for move-in.

    Note: St. Philip Street from Vanderhorst to Calhoun Streets will be restricted to unloading for McAlister and Berry Halls and CLOSED to THRU TRAFFIC. There will be no access to St. Philip Street from Calhoun Street. Access to Kelly House will be from Vanderhorst Street, King Street or St. Philip Street (southbound only before Vanderhorst). You may also unload at the bagged meters in front of the Charleston Water Works building – do not leave your vehicle unattended.

    From I-26: Take exit 221B and turn RIGHT onto Meeting Street. Turn RIGHT onto Columbus Street, then LEFT onto King Street. Turn RIGHT onto Vanderhorst Street just before Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church.

    From Highway 17 North: After you cross the Ashley River, bear LEFT, following signs for Cannon Street. At the fork, stay RIGHT and continue down Cannon Street. Turn RIGHT onto Rutledge Avenue, then turn LEFT onto Vanderhorst Street. Kelly House will be on your LEFT just after the St. Philip Street intersection.

    From Highway 17 South: After you cross the Cooper River, follow signs for Hwy 17 South, then bear RIGHT onto the King Street exit ramp. Turn RIGHT on King Street, then turn RIGHT onto Vanderhorst Street just before Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church.

  • Unloading: On Vanderhorst Street

    You will be directed to unload your vehicle on Vanderhorst Street, between St. Philip and King Streets

    Unattended vehicles in the unloading area are subject to towing.

    Your helpers can start unloading while you get your key and parking map.

    We have more than 1,000 students (and their helpers) moving in each day. Unloading areas are limited and we all need to work together for a safe and efficient move-in. Please be aware of the following:

    • Limit the amount of time you’re stopped in a designated unloading-only zone.
    • Unattended vehicles are subject to towing.
    • You cannot park in an unloading zone nor leave it unattended even for a few minutes. Please also do not park or leave your vehicle unattended at a bagged parking meter.
    • Unload your vehicle and then move it to a designated move-in parking area.
  • Key Pickup Location: Kelly House lobby

    You will pick up your key from the Kelly House lobby, 106 St. Philip Street.)

    Only students can pick up their key. You will need to provide a government-issued ID (e.g., a driver’s license) to get your key, and to get your Cougar Card if you did not get one during orientation. Make sure you get your parking map/dashboard flier when you get your key.

  • Parking: Visitor's Center (63 Mary St.)

    Students will be given a parking map when they get their key. The flip side must be on your dash, and include the vehicle-driver's phone number, when you are on campus.

    Follow the parking instructions for your hall below. Note that each student will be given a 3-hour garage voucher when they get their key. Although vouchers are valid in multiple garages (Aquarium Garage, George Garage, St. Philip St. Garage or the Visitor’s Center Garage), pay attention to which surface lot or garage your hall indicates.

    After unloading, you will be directed to park in the Visitor’s Center Garage (63 Mary St.) Each student will be given a 3-hour garage voucher when they get their key. You do not have to move your car after three hours in the Visitor’s Center Garage; however, you will need to pay for any time parked beyond then.

    • Do not leave your vehicle in the unloading zone – you will be subject to towing.