Young Hoon "Hunter" Kim, Ph.D.

Professor and Department Chair, Hospitality and Tourism Management


Texas Tech University - Lubbock, Texas
Ph.D., Hospitality and Tourism Administration, Specialization in Destination Marketing and Management

University of South Carolina - Columbia, South Carolina
M.S. in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, Specialization in Strategic Management and Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism

Research Interests

Community Engagement, Destination Marketing and Management, Convention and Event Management, Sport Event and Marketing

Selected Publications

Lee, S. & Kim, Y. H. (2023). A study of student’s behavior at collegiate sport events: The AiES (Attachment, Interaction, Emotion, and Satisfaction) model. Journal of Sport & Tourism (In-Press). *ABDC Rank: B ESCI/SCOPUS Impact Factor=2.60

Kim, Y. H. & Barber, N. (2023). Using multi-year data to develop a richer marketing strategy for art festivals. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism (Accepted). *ABDC Rank: B ESCI Impact Factor=3.255

Kim, Y. H. (2023). Sustainability in knowledge, education, and industry: A case of a hospitality and tourism program. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education (Accepted). *ABDC Rank: B ESCI/SCOPUS Impact Factor=3.80

Kokkhangplu, A., Kim, Y. H., & Kaewnuch, K. (2023). An instrument development to measure Community-Based Tourism (CBT) factors influencing resident’s Quality of Life (QOL). An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research (Accepted). *ABDC Rank: B ESCI/SCOPUS Impact Factor=3.74

Kim, Y. H., Demirer, I., Josiam, B., & Gultek, M. (2023). Student’s career expectation in the hospitality and tourism industry: An examination of Student’s MACE (Motivation, Attitude, and Career Expectation) Model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education (Accepted). *ABDC Rank: B ESCI/SCOPUS Impact Factor=3.80

Kim, Y. H. & Barber, N. (2022). Tourist’s destination image, place dimensions, and engagement: the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and dark tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(17), 2751-2769. *ABDC Rank: A SSCI Impact Factor=7.578

Kim, Y. H., & Spears, D. (2022). Differing career expectations in the Hospitality Industry: A cross-cultural study. International Hospitality Review, 36(2), 304-321. *ABDC Rank: C Impact Factor= N/A

Kim, Y. H., Lee, S., & Barber, N. (2021). Food choice behavior: A case study in South Korea. British Food Journal, 124(5), 1641-1658. *ABDC Rank: B SCI Impact Factor=3.47

Williams, G., Kim, Y. H., & Nauright, J. (2021). Destination development by Sport Event Tourism (SET): A case study of Thailand. Sport in Society, 24(10), 1827-1837. *ABDC Rank: B SSCI Impact Factor=725

Kim, Y. H., Sauerwald, P., & Sukpatch, K. (2021). Are you looking for special menu? Variety Seeking Behavior for Promotional Menu (VaPM) model. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 23. SCIE Impact Factor=3.35

Honors & Awards

  • Nominated for 2019 Outstanding International Scholar/Citation Award at UNT: 09/2019.
  • Nominated for 2019 Academic Affairs Fellow: 04/2019
  • The Best Paper Award: Proceedings of The 22nd International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference, Bangkok, Thailand: 05/2018.
  • Nominated for 2018 Academic Affairs Fellow: 04/2018.
  • Nominated for 2018 Outstanding International Scholar/Citation Award at UNT: 04/2018.
  • Recipient, the 2018 UNT Foundation Community Engagement Award: 02/2018.