Honors College Awards
Each year, we recognize those members of the Honors College community who have made truly exceptional contributions—to their professions, to their communities, and to the College of Charleston.

Distinguished Alumni Award
2024 recipient Derrick Williams '99, a founding partner of the Williams & Roche law firm who has built a distinguished legal career while maintaining a deep commitment to public service.
Meet Derrick Williams '99The Honors College Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor bestowed by the College of Charleston Honors College. The award publicly recognizes Honors College alumni who are noted for their professional achievements, their contributions to society, and their support of the College of Charleston.
Honorees have performed exceptional service for the College of Charleston through cumulative contributions or by extraordinary efforts that advance the both the Honors College and the College of Charleston.
Keep reading to learn more about past recipients, or nominate an exceptional Honors College alumni for the award.

Honorary Graduate Award
2024 recipient Lee Higdon, Jr., the former President of the College of Charleston who in 2001 elevated our Honors Program into a fully-fledged Honors College.
The Honors College Honorary Graduate Award is given annually to an individual who has demonstrated sustained commitment to the College of Charleston Honors College and to its students. Recipients are selected for the ways in which they exemplify the mission, goals, values and ideals of the Honors College.
Past Recipients
Distinguished Alumni Award
2023 – Mildred Embree, Ph.D ’02
2023 – Sara DeWolf, J.D. ’02
2022 – Colleen Condon ’92
2021 – Kenyatta L. Gardner ’08
2020 – Stephanie B. Wheeler ’03
2019 – Susan West Story ’93
2018 – Michael S. Shemtov ’00
2017 – Arlinda Locklear, J.D. ’76
2016 – Lisa Broome, Ph.D ’92
2015 – Melissa Siegel, Ph.D ’03
2014 – James G. Hodge Jr., J.D., LLM ’89
2013 – Howard L. Hall, Ph.D ’85
2012 – Wills Geils, MD ’88
2011 – Beth Middleton Burke, J.D. ’94
2010 – Steve Swanson ’89
Honorary Graduate Award
2023 - John Culhane
2022 - Dr. John Newell
2021 - Reba Huge