Peter Piccione
Associate Professor
Peter Piccione received his Ph.D. from The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago in 1990. He has performed epigraphical and archaeological research in Egypt. He also directs the Theban Tombs Publication Project and the Satellite Survey of Theban Tombs Project, West Bank, Luxor in Egypt. His numerous articles and papers pertain to the history of Egyptian religion, medicine, athletics, social history, as well as geoarchaeology and landscape archaeology.
Currently he is serving on the editorial board of the Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt.
Ph.D. The University of Chicago - 1990 Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations/Oriental Institute
M.A. The University of Chicago - 1976 Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations/Oriental Institute
Research Interests
Ancient Egypt
The Near East, Nubia and Cush
Landscape archaeology
Archaeological survey, satellite remote sensing, differential GPS mapping, and geographical information systems
Courses Taught
Historical Perspective in Egyptian Religion
Civilizations: Conflict or Concord?
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Honors and Awards
History Consultant for "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Egypt." Discovery Films Documentary, Cicada Films, London. April-May 2004. (Compass: A Publication of the School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. I)
Selected Bibliography
Managing editor of Serapis: The American Journal of Egyptology
Gaming with the Gods: The Game of Senet and Ancient Egyptian Religious Belief (Leiden: Brill). (Forthcoming)
Hibis Temple Project, Volume 3. Ancient and Modern Graffiti from the Temple Precinct, by E. Cruz-Uribe. San Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 2008. As contributing epigrapher.
Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple. Volume 2, The Facade, Portals, Upper Registers, Columns and Marginalia of the Colonnade Hall, by The Epigraphic Survey. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1998. As contributing epigrapher.
"The Egyptian Game of Senet and the Migration of the Soul" In Board Games in Perspective: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Board Games of the Ancient World. London: British Museum Publications, 2007.
"Theban Tombs Publication Project: Theban Tombs No. 72 (Rây) and 121 (Ahmose). Report on the 2001 Field Season." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 79 (2005): 127-135.
"The Women of Thutmose III in the Stelae of the Egyptian Museum." Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities30 (2003): 91-102.
"Sportive Fencing as a Ritual for Destroying the Enemies of Horus." In Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2000.
The On-Line Geographical Information System for the Theban Necropolis (OLGIS-TN)