M. Scott Harris
Associate Professor
College of William and Mary
B.S. Geology, 1988
University of Delaware
Ph.D. Geology, 2000
Research Interests
- Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf Stratigraphy
- Seafloor Mapping
- Landscape Evolution
- Geoarchaeology
- Habitat Delineation
Courses Taught
GEOL 103 Environmental Geology
GEOL 295 Geoarchaeology
GEOL 257 Marine Geology with Lab
GEOL 272 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation with Lab
GEOL 312 Environmental Field Methods
GEOL 399 Tutorial
GEOL 491 Senior Thesis
GEOL 499 Bachelors Essay
EVSS 645 Coastal Issues and Processes
EVSS 680 Case Studies in Environmental Issues
Honors and Awards
2016 Fulbright Scholar, Greece
2009 Best Paper and Presentation. 10th Biannual International Coastal Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.
2007 Million Dollar Club for external funds brought to the University (former appointment at CCU)
2004 Keynote speaker for the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Sciences
Harris, M.S., 2021, Barrier systems along the Georgia Bight, USA: Cape Fear, North Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida, in: McBride, R. et al., 2021, Morphodynamics of Modern and Ancient Barrier Systems: An Updated and Expanded Synthesis, in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, p. 327–331, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-818234-5.00153-X.
Shah, A., Morrow, R., Pace, M., Harris, M., and Doar, W., 2021, Mapping Critical Minerals from the Sky: GSA Today, v. 31, p. 4–10, doi:10.1130/GSATG512A.1.
Anderson, L. and Fish Lake Research Group (includes Harris), 2019, The sediment record from Fish Lake, Utah: new insights on Bonneville Basin hydroclimate and environment and the potential to extend the record through the Pleistocene: The American Quaternary Association, Quaternary Timies p. 8–10. https://www.amqua.org/public/news/Quaternary%20Times_Vol.%2041%20Spring%202019%20part1.pdf
Moore, Christopher R., et al. (with Harris, M.S.), 2019. Sediment Cores from White Pond, South Carolina, Contain a Platinum Anomaly, Pyrogenic Carbon Peak, and Coprophilous Spore Decline at 12.8 Ka. Nature Scientific Reports 9(1). Nature Publishing Group, December 22:15121. http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-51552-8.
Moore, C.R. et al., 2019. Supplementary Information: Sediment Cores from White Pond, South Carolina, contain a Platinum Anomaly, Pyrogenic Carbon Peak, and Coprophilous Spore Decline at 12.8 ka, p. 51. https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-019-51552-8/MediaObjects/41598_2019_51552_MOESM1_ESM.pdf
Harris, M.S., 2018, Paleogeography and Sea Level Positions on the Southeastern U.S. Continental Margin since the LGM, in Goodyear, A.C. and Moore, C.R. eds., Early Human Life on the Southeastern Coastal Plain, Gainsville, University of Florida Press, p. 90–107, http://upf.com/book.asp?id=9781683400349.
Marchetti, D., Anderson, L., Donovan, J.J., Harris, M.S., and Huth, T., 2018, Fish Lake limnology and watershed aqueous geochemistry, Fish Lake Plateau, Utah, in Geofluids of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), Utah Geological Association, UGA Publication Numbered Series, v. 47, p. 55–74, https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70200893.
Wright, E., Kruse, S., Forman, S.L., and Harris, M.S., 2018, Millennial Scale Development of a Southeastern United States Spit: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 34, p. 255–271, doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00005.1.
Ford, B., Sowden, C., Farnsworth, K., Harris, M.S., and Hensen, G.*, 2016, Coastal and inland geologic and geomorphic processes, in Keith, M.E. ed., Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks, University Press of Florida, p. 17–43, https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvx070j5.6.
Harris, M.S., and Neyland, R.S., 2016, Chapter 3. Environmental Context, in H.L. Hunley Recovery Operations, Washington, D.C., Naval History and Heritage Command, p. 138–160.