Timothy Callahan
Department Chair, Professor
University of St. Thomas
B.A. Geology, 1991
Ph.D. Earth and Environmental Science (Hydrology), 2001
Research Interests
- Hydrology and Water Resources
Courses Taught
HONS 155 Honors Geology I
GEOL 291 Water Resources
GEOL 364 Water Resources and Pollution in the Developing World (Field Studies in India)
GEOL 438/EVSS 538 Hydrogeology
EVSS 639 Wetlands and Watersheds
Amatya, D.M., A. Walega, T.J. Callahan, A. Morrison, V. Vulava, D.R. Hitchcock, T. M. Williams, and T. Epps. 2022. Storm event analysis of four forested catchments on the Atlantic coastal plain using a modified SCS-CN rainfall-runoff model. Journal of Hydrology 608: 127772. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127772.
Locatis Prochaska, A., A. Watson, T. Callahan, and K. Stewart. 2021. Lowcountry landowners’ wetlands knowledge and perceptions and the impacts of land management actions on isolated wetlands. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources 8(2): 16-29.
Brown, C.E. and T.J. Callahan. 2020. Modeling tidal characteristics in a creek-marsh drainage system: implications for stormwater management. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources 7: 3-19. DOI:10.34068/JSCWR.07.01.
Muwamba, A. D.M. Amatya, G.M. Cheschier, J.E. Nettles, T. Appleboom, E.W. Tollner, H. Ssegane, M.A. Youssef, F. Birgand, and T. Callahan. 2020. Response of drainage water quality to fertilizer applications on a switchgrass intercropped coastal pine forest. Water 12: 1265. DOI:10.3390/w12051265.
Beckingham, B., T. Callahan, and V. Vulava. 2019. Stormwater ponds in the southeastern U.S. coastal plain: hydrogeology, contaminant fate, and the need for a social-ecological framework. Frontiers in Environmental Science. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00117.
Trettin, C.C., D.M. Amatya, A.H. Gaskins, C.F. Miniat, A. Chow, and T. Callahan. 2019. Watershed response to longleaf pine restoration – application of paired watersheds on the Santee Experimental Forest. in Latimer, James S.; Trettin, Carl C.; Bosch, David D.; Lane, Charles R., eds. 2019. Working watersheds and coastal systems: research and management for a changing future-Proceedings of the Sixth Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. July 23-26, 2018, Shepherdstown, WV. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-243. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 211 p.
Vulava, V., B. Beckingham, and T. Callahan. 2019. Environmental Factors and Design Features that Control Stormwater Transport and Contaminant Fate in Ponds. Ch. 2 in Cotti-Rausch, B.E., Majidzadeh, H., and DeVoe, M.R. (eds.), Stormwater Ponds in Coastal Souoth Carolina: 2019 State of Knowledge Full Report. S.C. Sea Grant Consortium, Charleston S.C. SCSGC-T-20-02. https://www.scseagrant.org/stormwater-ponds-in-south-carolina-state-of-knowledge-report/
Wallover, C.G., T.J. Callahan, A.E. Scaroni, and K.C. Morganello. 2019. Rerouting Water: Understanding and Managing Urban Hydrology in Historic Charleston. In: Chadwick, J. and S.C. Jaume (eds.), Field Excursions in the Carolinas: Guides for the 2019 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting. Geological Society of America Field Guide 53: 9-17. DOI:10.1130/2019.0053(02).
Amatya, D.M., Muwamba, A., Panda, S.S. Callahan, T.J., Harder, S.V., and C.A. Pellett. 2018. Assessment of spatial and temporal variation of potential evapotranspiration estimated by four methods for South Carolina. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources 5(1): 3-24. DOI:10.34068/JSCWR.05.01.
Sitta, K.A., M. Reed, R. Mortensen, C. Doll, T. Callahan, and D.I. Greenfield. 2018. The influences of nitrogen form and zooplankton assemblages in two coastal southeastern systems. Limnography and Oceanography 63: 2523–2544. DOI:10.1002/lno.10957.