Accounting Services

The Accounting Services page provides comprehensive financial support such as assistance with expense tracking, and financial reporting to the college community. Whether you need help with reimbursements or understanding financial policies, our dedicated team is here to provide expert guidance and support.

Financial Transaction Approval Limits

  • All financial transactions (All purchases, EA's, IDT's, JE's, TA's, Budget Transfers, etc.) that are $ 50,000 or above must be approved by the Executive Vice President of Business Affairs
  • EVP's and Academic Deans have approval limits up to $ 49,999.99
  • All other financial approvers have approval limits up to $ 4,999.99, but can be lower, and should be noted on the Index/FOP Access Form for each index

Note to Travelers

Effective January 1, 2025, the Standard Mileage Rate for 2025 Business travel is $0.70 per mile. The Travel Authorization and Travel Reimbursement Forms have been updated to reflect this rate.

For travel occurring January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, the Standard Mileage Rate for Business travel is $0.67 per mile.

Monthly Closing schedules


Closing Information

To ensure that all financial activity of the College is recorded accurately and timely, the fiscal year-end closing process requires the coordinated efforts of Budgeting and Payroll Services, Business Affairs, Controller’s Office, Procurement and Supply Services, Treasurer’s Office, and all campus departments.
  • Departmental Charges

    Departments should review the activity in their indexes on an ongoing basis, verifying that all purchase orders, invoices, travel expenses and other charges have been recorded accurately. Any corrections that need to be made should be processed in a timely manner on an ongoing basis.

    Please ensure that NSF issues are addressed timely. NSF issues will hold up the processing of payments.

  • Encumbrances

    It is necessary to ensure the accuracy of outstanding encumbrances on June 30th. Before June 30th, please notify the following offices regarding encumbrances and travel authorizations that need to be closed.

    Purchase orders – Procurement and Supply Services (
    Travel encumbrances – Controller’s Office (

  • Procurement

    To properly record expenses in the appropriate fiscal year and prevent extended processing time, please refrain from initiating any purchases from June 17, 2024, through June 30, 2024.

    Purchasing Card (PCard) transactions may be made through June 17, but we suggest placing online orders as soon as possible prior to that date to ensure the goods/services are received and included in the June billing statement. You may resume purchases on July 1.

  • Expense Authorizations, Invoices, and Travel Reimbursements

    To ensure timely payment of expense authorizations, invoices, and travel reimbursements, please submit these documents and support directly to the Controller's Office at

    NOTE: Please do not submit invoices in eProcure.

    Key closing dates and important deadlines are outlined below.

    • Purchasing Card purchases: Monday, June 17
    • Expenditure Authorizations and Invoices: Thursday, June 20
    • Intradepartmental Transfers (IDT's): Monday, June 24 **
    • Departmental Journal Entry requests: Friday, June 28
    • Enter Receivers in eProcure (for goods physically received June 30 or prior): Friday, June 28
    • Purchase Order Invoices (for goods physically received June 30 or prior): Wednesday, July 10
    • Travel Reimbursements:
      • Travel dates 7/1/23 - 4/30/24: Within 10 days of return from trip
      • Travel dates 5/1/24 - 6/15/24: Thursday, June 20
      • Travel dates 6/16/24 - 6/30/24: Tuesday, July 9
    NOTE: Travel that crosses fiscal years will be charged proportionately between fiscal years based on the actual days of the trip in each fiscal year.

    ** Due to the nature of the underlying activity, some departments have an approved alternate due date for IDT's.
  • Accounting Forms

    *Common expense document prefixes (contact the specific area regarding questions, unless otherwise noted)

    • CC - Copy Center charges
    • FR - Freight charges
    • GH - Guest Housing charges
    • J or FP - Journal entry/IDT - contact the Controller's Office
    • MS - Mail Services charges
    • PA or PS - Parking Services charges
    • PC - Procurement Card charges
    • PP - Facilities Management charges
    • ST - Central Stores charges
    • TC - Telephone charges