Catering eProcure Steps

Once you've logged into eProcure via MyPortal and clicked on the Aramark Catering Form under Non-Catalog Requests, follow these steps.

  1. Enter the quote’s “Invoice #” as Quote Number; a detailed “product description” of the event; and the total cost from the Catering quote by “price.” Then complete any other required fields.  Attach the quote and any other information about the event in the attachment block.
  2. Select Add and Go to Cart in the upper right corner when finished.
  3. Name your cart and review information.
  4. Select Proceed to Checkout in the upper right corner.
  5. Complete all required fields: Date, Department Index and Account, then certify fair price.
  6. Select Place Order in the upper right corner. Record the requisition number in case you need it in future.
  7. Once Procurement completes the approval process, it becomes a PO. You should receive an email with the PO number.
  8. Email Catering at to let them know you approve the quote with invoice # and provide PO number.

Once the event is complete ...

  1. You will receive a final invoice from Catering. You must go back into eProcure to receive the PO for the final amount under the Receipts tab. Attach the final invoice, along with the attendee/event roster list or event flyer. (Note: If the final invoice amount and PO amount are different, contact Procurement for instructions on submitting a Change Order).
  2. Send the final invoice to Accounts Payable ( along with the PO number and attendee list/event fyer, and ask for the invoice to be paid. Please copy Catering at on the email.