
Allison Welch

Associate Professor of Biology


Ph.D. – University of Missouri – Columbia
B.S. – Truman State University

Research Interests

Ecology, evolution, behavior, and conservation biology of amphibians
Effects of environmental stressors across different stages of the amphibian life cycle
Quantitative genetics of amphibian life history and behavior

Courses Taught

BIOL 211: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation Biology
BIOL 334: Herpetology
ENVT 200: Introduction to Environmental and Sustainability Studies
FYSE 108: Biology of Sex and Gender

Selected Publications

Flynn, R. W., A. M. Welch, S. L. Lance. 2021. Divergence in heritable life history traits suggests
potential for local adaptation and trade-offs associated with a coal ash disposal site. Evolutionary
Applications, 14:2039-2054.

Welch, A. M., J. P. Bralley, A. Q. Reining, A. M. Infante. 2019. Developmental stage affects the
consequences of transient salinity exposure in toad tadpoles. Integrative and Comparative Biology,

Welch, A. M., W. C. Cory, J. N. Ramirez, L. C. Rein. 2019. Naproxen and its phototransformation
products: Persistence and ecotoxicity to toad tadpoles (Anaxyris terrestris), individually and in
mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 38(9): 2008-2019.

Wood, L., A. M. Welch. 2015. Assessment of interactive effects of elevated salinity and three
pesticides on life history and behavior of southern toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) tadpoles. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 34(3): 667-676.

Wilder, A. E., A. M. Welch. 2014. Effects of salinity and pesticide on sperm activity and oviposition
site selection in green treefrogs, Hyla cinerea. Copeia 2014(4): 659-667.

Welch, A. M., M. J. Smith, H. C. Gerhardt. 2014. A multivariate analysis of genetic variation in the
advertisement call of the gray treefrog, Hyla versicolor. Evolution. 68(6): 1629-1636.

Lawson, T. L., M. L. Jones, O. Komar, A. M. Welch. 2011. Prevalence of Batrachochytrium
dendrobatidis in Agalychnis moreletii (Hylidae) of El Salvador and association with larval jaw sheath
depigmentation. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47(3): 544-554.

Honors & Awards

Distinguished Advising Award, College of Charleston, 2022