Melissa Hughes
Ph.D. - Duke University
B.A. - Bucknell University
Research Interests
Animal communication; honesty and deception in animal signalsAggressive behavior, weaponry, and territoriality
Sex differences in morphology and behavior
Evolution of song dialects in songbirds
Individual consistency and plasticity in behavior (nonhuman "personalities")
Inclusive pedagogy
Animal Behavior Society
Courses Taught
BIOL 111: Introduction to Cellular and Molecular BiologyBIOL 112: Evolution, Form & Function of Organisms
BIOL 333/333L: Ornithology/Lab
BIOL 343/343L: Animal Behavior/Lab
BIOL 650: Graduate Seminar in Behavioral Ecology
Honors Special Topics: The Cat: Biology and Social Construction of a Domestic Species
Special Topics: Function and Evolution of Sex and Sexual Behavior (cross-listed with WGST)
Honors & Awards
William V. Moore Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Award, College of Charleston (2020)
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (2003)
Adrian M. Wenner “Strong Inference” Award, Division of Animal Behavior, SICB (1995)
Excellence in Teaching Award, Zoology Department, Duke University (1993)