Andrew Clark
Ph.D. – University of California, IrvineB.S. - University of Maryland
Research Interests
Comparative biomechanicsMechanical properties of biological and synthetic materials
Functional morphology of knotting behaviors and jawless biting in hagfishes
Courses Taught
BIO 112: Evolution, Form & Function of Organisms
BIOL 221L: Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
BIO 321: General and Comparative Physiology
BIO 356: Comparative Biomechanics
Selected Publications
Schumacher, Erika L., Owens, Brad D., Uyeno, Theodore A., Clark, Andrew J., and Joshua Reece. 2017. No support for Heincke’s Law in hagfish (Myxinidae): lack of an association between body size and the depth of species occurrence. Journal of Fish Biology. 91: 545-557.
Clark, Andrew J., Crawford, Callie H., King, Brooke D., Demas, Andrew M. and Theodore A. Uyeno. 2016. Material properties of hagfish skin with insights into knotting behaviors. Biological Bulletin. 230: 243–256.
Uyeno, Theodore A. and Andrew J. Clark. 2015. Muscle articulations: flexible jaw joints made of soft tissues. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55: 193-204.
Clark, Andrew J. and Jeffrey D. Triblehorn. 2014. Mechanical properties of the cuticles of three cockroach species that differ in their wind-evoked escape behavior. PeerJ. 2:e501 http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.501