Parent Information
Supporting your student's academic success is a team effort. The Academic Advising & Planning Center is a partner in guiding your student on the path to timely degree completion and informed pursuit of their academic major.
We provide personalized support to help your student make informed choices, utilize available resources, balance priorities, overcome challenges, and develop a meaningful educational plan aligned with their goals.
Together, we can empower your student on an extraordinary academic journey.
The Advising Process
The Academic Advising and Planning Center primarily serves first year students, first semester transfer students, and undeclared students.
First Year Students
First year students receive two semesters of mandatory advising. An 'advising hold' will be placed on their account, preventing registration for their next semester's courses until they complete their advising session.
- Undeclared: Students who have yet to declare a major are advised by the AAPC. An advising hold is placed until they complete their mandatory advising session.
- Declared: Students who have declared a major are advised by their academic departmen if the student's department placed a departmental hold, and the AAPC otherwise. If the department placed their hold, the student will meet with a departmental advisor prior to registering.
New Transfer Students
New transfer students receive one semester of mandatory advising. A hold is placed on their registration until they complete their advising session.
- Undeclared: Advised by the AAPC.
- Declared: Advised by the student's academic department.
Declared Students
Students with questions about changing majors, Degree Works, or academic policies/procedures can get help during our Quick Question Drop-In hours at 2-4 PM during the fall and spring semesters.
New Student Orientation
At New Student Orientation, your student will meet with an AAPC advisor and register for their first semester classes.
Prior to Orientation, your student will also need to complete an online training module to better prepare them for Orientation. We will email your student prior to their Orientation session with instructions on accessing and completing the module.
Note: Parents are not permitted in the advising or registration rooms. Our advisors are highly trained and will work closely with your student during our time with them. Talk with your student in advance of their orientation day about communicating any concerns, questions, or learning challenges. For many students, this may be their first effort in self-advocacy.
Parents and FERPA
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, protects the privacy of student educational records by requiring prior written consent before disclosing personally identifiable information to a third party, such as a student's parents.
We recognize that parents and guardians are important to our students and may choose to share some or all of their FERPA-protected information with you.
Any time a parent or other third party is to be involved in discussions on advising or other aspects of a student's educational record, your student will need to sign a FERPA release in advance of you joining the conversation.
Consult with your Student
As a parent or guardian, the easiest and quickest way to receive information on your student's grades, finances and other educational records is to have your student provide it directly to you.
If you have received permission to access educational records, you will need to provide a written request for a copy of the desired information.
Learn more about FERPA