Statistics Major

Collect, analyze and interpret data to confront real-world problems.

Data is at the core of everything from disease prevention to storm protection. When you study statistics, you learn to use data to confront real-world problems. You'll learn how to gather, analyze and interpret data. Use data to help inform public policy and major business decisions. 

Why study statisitics at the College of Charleston? 

Through your coursework, you will become familiar with probability, data analysis and the theory of statistics. Here, you'll have a regular advisor to help mentor you through your course of study. This program provides a pathway to developing strong critical thinking skills, skills which you'll utilize throughout theoretical and applied mathematics courses.

What will I learn? 

You'll conquer the challenge of turning data into insights. You'll analyze trends, make informed decisions, solve research problems and drive evidence-based solutions across industries like healthcare, marketing, finance and social sciences.  

View Curriculum: Statistics

Program Highlights

The statistics major provides students with the courses and resources to build their skills in probability, statistical modeling, regression analysis, statistical software, data analysis, and experimental design.
  • Hands-on Learning

    Students have the opportunity to participate in faculty research, personalized undergraduate research, attend conferences and colloquium lectures. 


    Maybe you'll study with a faculty member who specializes in areas of high-dimensional data analysis, semiparametric methods, robust modeling and variable selection. Or, perhaps you'll help find the solution to the fundamental problem of modeling time series data. This is used in a variety of fields such as economics, meteorology, engineering, geophysics, social and environmental science.

    Senior Project 

    Statistics students engage in a capstone experience through either a practicum, capstone project, bachelor's essay or a course focused on statistical consulting. 

  • Internship Opportunities

    You will have the opportunity to foster strong professional relationships with organizations.

    • Naval Information Warfare Center
    • Medical University of South Carolina 
    • Bosch
    • other national companies
  • Location

    Our proximity to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), Silicon Harbor and other innovative industries allows for many experiential learning opportunities. Consider internships, research projects and jobs all part of the "package deal" when you come to Charleston.

    Students may pursue further study at MUSC in biostatistics, epidemiology, public health and more. 

Careers & Outcomes

The statistics program equips students with the necessary skills to pursue careers as:

  • analysts.
  • financial advisors.
  • statisticians.
  • economists.

Our graduate's job descriptions include analyst (banking), fraud detection (banking), chief operating officer, data engineer and more. 

About the Minor

Statistics is the perfect minor to combine with a number of majors, and not just other science and math majors. If you want to understand how data is collected, analyzed and interpreted, you should consider a statistics minor. You should consider this minor if you are pursuing a major in business, economics, finance, psychology, sociology, classics and so much more.

View Curriculum: Statistics Minor