Graduate Certificate in Arts and Cultural Management

Be a leader in the global market of the creative economy.

This program prepares you to be a leader in the arts and culture sector worldwide. Compete in the global marketplace and find your place in the creative economy. Through immersive experiences with diverse artists, arts and cultural institutions and their communities, you gain the skills to take on a management or leadership role within the global market in the arts and culture.

You may also complete this certificate if you are part of the Master of Pubilc Administration (M.P.A.) or Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (M.F.A.) programs.

Apply Today

How to apply

The entire application process is online. The documents outlined below are required components of the application. A file is not complete until all documents have been submitted and processed, so read carefully and prepare your application materials in advance of applying.
  • Application Deadlines


    • Priority: February 1 
    • Final: July 1 
  • Admission Criteria

    • Minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.000 is preferred
    • Current résumé
    • Statement of professional goals
    • Writing sample demonstrating an ability to perform literary analysis and conduct research, and/or a portfolio of arts management-related work samples
    • One letter of recommendation. References should address academic ability and motivation to successfully complete a graduate certificate. If a prospective student has been out of college for a number of years, it is appropriate to provide a letter from work-related individuals.