Council of Deans


Policy on the Council of Deans


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Purpose of the Council of Deans

3.0 Membership

4.0 Regular Meetings

5.0 Meetings with the Academic Administration

6.0 Effective Policy Date and Scope of Policy

7.0 Policy Manager and Responsible Party or Office

8.0 Departments/Offices Affected by this Policy

9.0 Procedures Related to this Policy

10.0 Related Policies, Documents or Forms

11.0 Review Schedule

1.0 Introduction

For some years prior to the 2015-2016 academic year, the Deans appointed in the Academic Affairs Division met informally to discuss topics of relevance to the success of their units and the needs of the institution. On May 27, 2015, the Deans requested a formal, institutional role for the Council of Deans. Following consultations with the President of the College and the Deans and in light of past institutional precedent,1 the Council of Deans is now constituted as an ad hoc Institutional Committee.2 The Council of Deans shall exist in perpetuity, unless its modification or abolition is directed by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (hereafter, “Provost”) or by the President.

2.0 Purpose of the Council of Deans

The Council of Deans exists to:

A. provide a forum for the deans to meet regularly to discuss issues of common concern;

B. give advice and counsel to the Provost, the President and other members of the administration on the academic programs and those administrative programs essential to the success and orderly administration of the academic programs;

C. recommend and/or review new and revised academic policies, consistent with the College’s Campus Wide Policy Formation Procedures (or such successor procedures as may be approved by the President of the College);

D. review and provide input on the budget of the Academic Affairs Division; and

E. provide advice and recommendations to the President of the College, the Provost, the Speaker of the Faculty, the Faculty Senate, the various College and Senate Committees, or the other members of the Administration that are appointed by the President.

3.0 Membership

The membership of the Council of Deans shall include the Deans appointed in the Academic Affairs Division. Voting is limited to members. The membership shall adopt such procedures or special rules of order as are necessary to determine if designated representatives of the members shall be permitted to attend Council of Deans meetings and/or vote in the absence of those members. Consistent with the Provost’s predecessor titles (i.e., Dean of the Faculty, Dean of the College), the Provost shall be an ex officio member of the Council of Deans. The Council of Deans shall elect a convener, who shall ensure that suitable minutes are taken at each meeting of the Council.

4.0 Regular Meetings

The Council of Deans shall hold regular meetings no fewer than four times a year, and may meet more frequently, as determined by the members. Guests may be invited to regular meetings by the convener, following consultations with the membership.

5.0 Meetings with the Academic Administration

The President or the Provost shall seek to convene and preside at a quarterly meeting of the Council of Deans with the President, the Provost, the Executive Vice Presidents, and such members of the administration as may be requested to attend by the President or Provost.

6.0 Effective Policy Date and Scope of Policy

The current Divisional Policy took effect on September 1, 2015. Some contents of this Policy may be separately incorporated in policies and procedures published by the College and/or by the Academic Affairs Division, or otherwise promulgated by the President or Provost or by the academic schools, departments, or programs. The establishment of the Council of Deans shall not prevent the Board of Trustees, the President, or the Provost from exercising the powers granted to them by the appropriate authority.

7.0 Policy Manager and Responsible Department or Office

Provost (or Provost’s Designee), Office of the Provost

8.0 Departments/Offices Affected by this Policy

Office of the President Office of the Provost All Academic Deans

9.0 Procedures Related to this Policy


10.0 Related Policies, Documents or Forms

Faculty/Administration Manual

Academic Affairs Division Organizational Chart

11.0 Review Schedule

Approved: September 2015

Revised: December 2016

Next Review Date: October 1, 2021

1 The 1985-1986 Faculty/Administration Manual described a “Council of Chairmen.” At a time prior to the existence of the Academic Schools and the Deans, the Council of Chairmen had many similarities to the Council of Deans created by this Divisional Policy. More recently, the current Academic Council is the result of multiple expansions of a predecessor Deans’ Council, which existed during the tenure of Provost Elise Jorgens. The current Council of Deans exists separately from the Academic Council.

2 Institutional Committees are described in the Faculty/Administration Manual (Art. II, Sect. F). For example, the current Academic Council is also an ad hoc Institutional Committee, with a membership consisting of the Provost; the Deans; the Associate Provosts; the Associate Vice Presidents in Academic Affairs; the Registrar; the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid; and such other academic administrators who might attend one or more meetings at the invitation of the Provost.