Purushottam Meena, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management


WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management - Vallendar, Germany 
Post-Doctorate, Supply Chain Management, 2013

Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur, India 
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering and Management, 2012
M.Tech, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2008

College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology - Akola, India 
B.Tech, Agricultural Engineering, 2006

Badge for BPI with SAP S/4 HANA - 2022

Research Interests

  • Supply Chain Disruption Risk Management
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Performance
  • Omnichannel Supply Chain
  • Supply Chain Analytics
  • Blockchain Application in Supply Chain
  • Healthcare Supply Chain
  • Tourism Supply Chain
  • Buyer-Supplier Relationships,
  • Multi-criteria Decision Making, and
  • Machine Learning Applications


  • American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS)
  • The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Society (INFORMS)
  • Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

Courses Taught

  • Business Statistics 
  • Supply Chain Planning Analysis

Selected Publications

Publication in Refereed Journals

Meena, P.L.*, & Kumar, G. (2022), Online food delivery companies' performance and consumers
expectations during Covid-19: An investigation using machine learning approach. Journal of Retailing
and Consumer Services. Forthcoming. [Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.135; ABDC Rank=A; SJR: Q1].

Meena, P.L., Katiyar, R., & Kumar, G (2022)., Supplier performance and selection from sustainable supply
chain performance perspective. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
[Emerald, ABDC Rank=B; SJR: Q2]. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-01-2022-0024

Jena, S.K. & Meena, P.L.* (2022), Shopping in the Omnichannel Supply Chain under Price Competition
and Product Return, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 65, 102848. [Elsevier, Impact Factor: 7.135; ABDC Rank=A; SJR: Q1].

Kumar, G., Meena, P.L., Francisco, R.M. (2021). How do collaborative culture and capability improve sustainability? Journal of Cleaner Production. 121, 125824 [Elsevier, Impact Factor-7.246, ABDC Rank=A, SJR: Ql]

Francisco, R.M., Meena, P.L., and Tibrewala, R. (2021). Buyback and Risk-Sharing Contracts to Mitigate the Supply and Demand Disruption Risks. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 15(4): 550-581 [Inderscience, Impact Factor-1.136, SJR: Q1]

Jena, S. and Meena, P.L.* (2019), Price and Service Competition in a Tourism Supply Chain. Service Science. 11(4): 279-291 [INFORMS, Impact Factor: 1.623; SJR: Ql]

Papers under Revision/Review
A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Approach for Supplier Selection from Sustainable Supply Chain Performance Perspective. Applier Soft Computing. [Elsevier, Impact Factor-4.87, SJR: Ql] Revised & Resubmit.
Impact of the Return Policy on the Omnichannel-Supply Chain under Price Competition, International Journal of Production Economics. [Elsevier, Impact Factor: 5.134; ABDC Rank=A; SJR: Ql]

Book Publication
Kandasamy, J., Muduli, K., Kommula, V.P., and Meena, P.L. (2021). Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Industry 4.0: Integration, Benefits, and Operational Activities. Forthcoming. CRC Press

Honors & Awards

  • Board of Studies, MBA in Supply Chain Management Program, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, OR, India [60/21 -05/23]