Iris Junglas, Ph.D.

Professor, Noah T. Leask Distinguished Chair in Information Management and Innovation


University of Georgia - Athens, Georgia
Ph.D., Business Administration with specialization in Management Information Systems and Minor in Artificial Intelligence, 2003

University of Koblenz and Landau - Germany
M.S. and B.S., Computer Science with a specialization in Business Administration, 1998

Maynooth University - Maynooth, Ireland
Fulbright Scholar, 2019

Otto-Beisheim School of Management, WHU - Koblenz, Germany 
DAAD Scholar, 2015

Courses Taught

  • Management Information Systems
  • Business Analytics
  • Enterprise Data Management
  • Information Management for Competitive Advantage

Selected Publications

Yogesh K. Dwivedi, et al. (2023). “So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Opportunities, Challenges and Implications of Generative Conversational AI for Research, Practice and Policy, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 71.

Biedova, O., Ives, B. and I. Junglas (2023) Gnosis Freight: Harnessing Data and Low-Code to Shipping Container Visibility and Logistics, Communications of the AIS, Volume 52.

Luethi, N., Matt, C., Myrach, M. and I. Junglas (2022) Augmented Intelligence, Augmented Responsibility? Business & Information Systems Engineering

Abedin, B., Meske, C., Junglas, I., Rabhi, F. and H. R. Motahari-Nezhad (2022) Designing and Managing Human-AI Interactions. Information Systems Frontier, Volume 24, Issue 3, p. 691–697.

Rehm, S., Goel, L. and I. Junglas (2022). Researching Digitalized Work Arrangements: A Laws of Form Perspective, Information & Organization, Volume 32, Issue 2.

Junglas, I., Goel, L., Rehm, S. and B. Ives (2022). On the Benefits of Consumer IT in the Workplace—An IT Empowerment Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 64.

Meske, C., Osmundsen, K. and I. Junglas (2021). Designing and Implementing a Digital Twin in the Energy Grid Sector. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Volume 20, Issue 3.


Junglas, Iris (2023). Editor’s Comments: The Quest for an Initial Policy about Generative AI for MIS Quarterly Executive. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Volume 22, Issue 3.

Junglas, Iris (2023). Editor’s Comments: Guidance for Research Articles Submitted to MIS Quarterly Executive. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Volume 22, Issue 2.

Junglas, Iris (2023). Editor’s Comments: On the History of MIS Quarterly Executive. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Volume 22, Issue 1.