Kent Gourdin, D.B.A.
Professor and Director of Global Logistics and Transportation Program
University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TennesseeDoctor of Business Administration, March 1984
M.S., Business Administration, Aug 1982
B.S., Business Administration, Jun 1973
- Past-President and founding member of Charleston Roundtable, 2003-present.
- Founded Charlotte Roundtable with a group of other logisticians.
- Member, Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 2000-Present.
- Member, Editorial Review Board, Defense Transportation Journal, 2000-Present.
Courses Taught
- Logistics Management
- Marketing Management
- Professional Applications
- Physical Distribution Management
- Transportation Systems
- Transportation Management
- Transportation Policies
- Logistics Systems
- Management of Integrated Logistics Systems
- Intermodal Transportation
- Global Logistics
- Global Logistics Systems Management
- Issues in Global Logistics
- Logistics and Transportation
- Export Marketing and Logistics
- Physical Distribution Management
- Marketing Concepts, International Marketing
- International Business
- Planes,Trains, and Automobiles: More than Just a Movie
Selected Publications
- Gourdin, Kent N. “The Evolving Relationship between Airline Profitability and Passenger Satisfaction,” Journal of Transportation Management, Vol. 24 No. 1, 2013, pp. 7-21. (Published June 2014)
- Gourdin, Kent N. and Shao, Alan T. “Building a Niche Business Program At a Liberal Arts Institution: The Integration of Supply Chain Management,” Journal of International Business and Economics, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2013, pp. 103-108.
- Gourdin, Kent N. A Profile of the Global Airline Industry, (New York: Business Expert Press, 2016).
Honors & Awards
- Awarded the 2000 Memorial Medal for Literary Merit for “Maritime Deregulation: What’s Ahead for Carriers, Shippers, and the Department of Defense,” the best article published Defense Transportation Journal during 2000.
- Earned the rank of Major in the Air Force through serving 20 years as a transportation officer.