Administrative Regulations

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For more information, please review the official policy on the College of Charleston website at

Amplified Sound Policy

In an effort to continue to develop Student Life at the College of Charleston and promote an increased sense of community on campus, the Division of Student Affairs has created the following policy for the use of amplified sound on-campus in connection with programs and events held on weekdays during business hours during the upcoming academic year:

  1. Events requiring the use of amplified sound that are scheduled Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. will be held in the Stern Center Gardens.
  2. Space reservations for the Stern Center Garden will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through the Office of Student Life and must be approved in advance by the Director of Student Life.
  3. The Office of Student Life and the Division of Student Affairs will provide information related to any special previously approved events requiring amplified sound in a timely manner to the Provost's Office so that advance notice of events can be distributed to faculty members and academic departments.
  4. The use of amplified sound will not be permitted during the hours of 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. on weekdays in areas immediately adjacent to offices or classroom facilities (i.e. Maybank Hall,the Cistern, etc.). As always, student organizations will be allowed to host informational tables and programs that do not require amplified sound at these locations.
  5. Requests for exceptions to this policy must be submitted in writing to the Director of Student Life no less than two weeks (fourteen calendar days) prior to the proposed date of the event. A committee comprised of representatives from the student body, faculty and staff of the College of Charleston will convene to review the request and will notify the requestor in writing of the committee's decision. An Event Planning Form must be completed and all prior approvals for the proposed event (space reservation, Public Safety staffing, etc.) must be received before the proposed event is submitted to the committee for review.

Feel free to contact the Office of Student Life at (843) 953-2291 if you have any questions regarding this policy or campus programming.


The maturity of students is reflected in part by the manner in which they meet financial obligations to the community and to the College. Transcripts of students whose accounts are in arrears will not be released to them or to any agency or institution for the benefit of the student. Students cannot graduate from the College and may be refused the privileges of registering for courses if their college accounts are in arrears.

Delinquent Accounts

If an account becomes delinquent, the College reserves the right to assign the account to a collection agency. Therefore, the student will be responsible for all collection costs, any additional attorney fees, and court costs.

Student Email

Email is considered an official method for communication at the College of Charleston. Official email communications are intended to meet the academic and administrative needs of the campus community. The College has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. To enable this process, the College ensures that all students can be accessed through a standardized, college-issued email account throughout their academic years at the College of Charleston.

Students are expected to check their College of Charleston official email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of College-related communications. Checking email on a daily basis is recommended. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time critical.

Identification/Debit Cards

All students are issued identification/debit cards which they should carry at all times. The cards are the means of identifying students for library privileges, student health services, athletic events, the meal plan, social events, check cashing, and other college functions or services open to them as students. Students are expected to present their cards upon request to any college official or employee. Any student whose identification/debit card is lost or destroyed may purchase a new one from the Cougar Card Office. Fraudulent use or transfer of an identification/debit card is considered a violation of the Honor System.

Lactation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide nursing mothers who are students with a private place to express breast milk. The College has designated lactation rooms on the main campus. Students may contact the Office of Human Resources at 843.953.5512 for room locations and access information.

The College is not responsible for the integrity or security of breast milk stored in any refrigerator on campus. Nursing mothers may use the provided campus refrigerators or may bring personal coolers to store breast milk.

After each use, students using the designated lactation rooms must use care to wipe off all contacted surfaces with the provided sanitation wipes. The College will also ensure that the designated rooms are regularly cleaned as appropriate by custodial staff.

College Requirements for Student Contact Information

All College of Charleston students are required to provide the College accurate and timely information regarding their local and permanent addresses, local and permanent phone numbers, and emergency contact information. Addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contacts are to be updated on a timely basis by students via MyCharleston and Banner Self-Service under Personal Information:

  • View Phones
  • Update Phones
  • View Addresses
  • Update Addresses
  • View I.C.E. Emergency Contacts
  • Update I.C.E. Emergency Contacts

Local address- This needs to be a physical address and not a P.O. Box. This is where a student lives in the Charleston area while enrolled at the College. The phone number used locally is also required.

Permanent address- The address which a student considers home. This is often the parent/guardian's address. A phone number is also required.

Emergency contacts should include the person(s) that the College should contact on the student's behalf in the event of an emergency. Name, address, phone, and relationship are required. More than one emergency contact may be listed.

Students under the age of 2110 are also required to provide and update parent/guardian addresses and phone numbers. This can be done as one Parent/Guardian address and Phone number or as Parent 1 and Parent 2. This information is entered under Update Phones and Update Addresses as a type of phone and a type of address.

Please direct inquiries to or 843.953.5668.

Signage: Banners, Signs and Posted Material

  1. Introduction
    The College of Charleston (hereafter, "College") may approve or deny the temporary placement of non-College-sponsored banners, signs or other posted material by individuals or organizations ("Postings") on College property based on time, place and manner considerations and as set forth under the terms of this Policy. The Division of Marketing and Communications, the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Student Life have authority to approve Postings on College property.
  2. General Posting Requirements
    All Postings must contain the name of the sponsoring individual or organization ("Sponsor"). The content of all Postings must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and all College policies. Sponsors shall ensure that Postings do not alter or damage College property. Sponsors are responsible for removing Postings in a timely manner on the final date approved for posting or immediately following the date of the publicized event.
    No Posting may be made in violation of the City of Charleston's Snipe Signage ordinance. Snipe signage is prohibited and includes all types of announcements or other advertising and informational materials attached by any means whatsoever to trees, poles, stakes, fences, buildings or any other public or private property, without permission from the owner or authorized agent of the property.
    The College shall not be responsible for damage to or theft of Postings affixed to College property.

Request and Approval Process for Postings

Except as noted below, the Division of Marketing and Communications oversees the request and approval process for Postings on College property. Requests for Postings must include the proposed design, dimensions, posting location(s), posting date and length of duration for display. All requests for Postings should be submitted via email to:

When reviewing requests, the Division of Marketing and Communications will consider factors including but not limited to: hardware or other installation requirements, aesthetic integrity of the campus, the requested time and duration for display, dimensions, campus placement and space availability. Following review of the request, the Division of Marketing and Communications may approve, deny or modify each proposal at its discretion and in compliance with applicable law and College policies. In the event of a denial, an appeal may be made to the Director of Brand Marketing or the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications or his or her designee, who shall have the final decision. 

  1. Requests for Banners and Signs Affixed with Hardware
    Requests for the temporary placement of banners or signs to be affixed to College property (e.g., light posts or buildings) with hardware must be submitted to the Division of Marketing and Communications at least 30 days before banners and hardware are to be ordered. Such requests may only be made by College-based organizations. The Sponsor shall pay for any and all costs associated with hardware installation, hanging/removal of banners or signs, including any costs for any damage, repairs or restoration resulting therefrom.
  2. Requests for Postings Affixed by Any Other Means
    Requests for the temporary placement of Postings to be affixed to College property by means other than hardware must be submitted to the Division of Marketing and Communications via email to at least 5 days in advance of the proposed posting date under ordinary circumstances where the proposed Posting is foreseeable in advance. In time-sensitive cases, the Division of Marketing and Communications shall reduce the advance approval period.
  3. Exceptions
    The requirement for review and approval by the Division of Marketing and Communications shall not apply in the following situations:
    • Placement of student activity postings, which are governed by the Division of Student Affairs and Office of Student Life. Student activity Postings must be processed through the posting policies and procedures set forth in the Student Handbook, the Compass and all other applicable College policy;
    • Placement of official College-sponsored informational materials, such as faculty, academic and administrative department announcements of official College courses, programs, speakers, seminars, and events;
    • Placement of informational material on academic and administrative bulletin boards, which are controlled, managed and maintained by each academic and administrative department; and
    • Placement of official notices required by law.

    The Division of Marketing and Communications retains the discretion to alter the time for making requests for Postings in extraordinary circumstances.

Additional Requirements

This Policy does not contemplate every potential situation that may arise with respect to Postings on College property. Accordingly, the College reserves the right in certain situations to impose reasonable restrictions and requirements with respect to time, place and manner of Postings that are not expressly set forth in this Policy.

As noted in the Student Handbook and The Compass, student organizations are requested to use non-adhesive materials to post flyers and banners at any of the locations listed above.

Examples: zip ties, string and fishing line can be used.


  • The use of paints, stains, acids, tapes, chalk or any other substance that might damage or deface the building is prohibited.
  • No person shall affix anything to the walls, doors, ceilings or any painted or non-painted area inside buildings. Only the bulletin boards are to be used for the posting of materials.
  • Promotional materials will be removed by CofC Physical Plant on Friday of each week.
  • Campus organizations are responsible for removing their outdated postings. Organizations may lose posting privileges if outdated postings are not removed.
  • Items may NOT be placed on Stern Student Center Food Court glass.
  • Use of sidewalk chalk is not allowed.
  • Do not attach promo materials to campus benches. 

Policy Compliance and Enforcement

The College reserves the right to remove any Postings that do not comply with this Policy. Regarding those divisions and offices outlined in the "Exceptions" section (i.e., student activity postings and faculty/academic-related postings), enforcement is the responsibility of the executive vice president of student affairs’ office and the provost’s office, respectively.

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10 Students who are not legally emancipated.